Main differences between V4.2 and V4.1.1

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PATRIUS V4.2 is a major release adding some new features and correcting some bugs.

New functionalities

  • Mecanism to handle and define low-level math frameworks
  • JAFAMA 2.1.0 can now be used instead of FastMath for increased speed
  • Add a MultiAttitudeProvider interface for handling of correlated attitudes when propagating several satellites
  • Generalization and revision of attitude sequences
  • Creation of a new package "orientation" for orientation providers similar to attitudes providers
  • Add some new features to generic intervals and dates intervals such as intersection, merge, etc.

Bugs fixes

  • Corrections to ensure propagation is properly performed exactly up to required user date
  • Correction in class AzimuthElevationField to properly manage double-points
  • Corrections in definition of celestial frames: the ICRF frame is now colinear to GCRF frame and all celestial bodies parent frame is now the ICRF.
  • Correction of events detection: it is now more robust
  • Correction of angular velocity of TNW frame with respect to other frame
  • Correction of mass equations integration
  • Correction of "Remove detector" feature when propagating several times with the same propagator