Main differences between V4.8 and V4.7

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PATRIUS V4.8 is a major release adding some new features and correcting some bugs.

New functionalities

  • Solar Radiation Pressure classes (SolarRadiationPressureCircular and SolarRadiationPressureEllipsoid) have been generalized:
    • They can take into account or not eclipses
    • The occulting body can be any body
    • There can be as many occulting bodies as required
  • Marini-Murray tropospheric model has been added (MariniMurrayModel class)
  • Add of synodic frame through class SynodicFrame (replacement of the former class)
  • Several classes have been added to handle Chebyshev polynomials:
    • PolynomialChebyshevFunction for building and manipulation of such polynomials
    • ChebyshevDecompositionEngine for getting an approximation of function as a sum of Chebyshev polynomials

Note: The parameters order of the class LinearFunction is reverse in its constructors and getter. That new behavior is more consistent with the others functions. Please be careful to reverse the parameters order in any use of this function.

Bugs fixes

  • Correction of matrix multiplication for non-square matrices in some specific cases
  • Correction of sub-matrix extraction in DecomposedSymmetricMatrix
  • Correction of azimut computation through method computeBearing of class ProjectionEllipsoidUtils
  • Correction of facets orientation produced by method toObj of class GeodeticMeshLoader
  • Correction of evaluation of the distance between a sensor and a body (used in particular for detectors such as StationToSatMutualVisibility)