Interface DataProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClasspathCrawler, DirectoryCrawler, NetworkCrawler, ZipJarCrawler

public interface DataProvider

Interface for providing data files to file loaders.

This interface defines a generic way to explore some collection holding data files and load some of them. The collection may be a list of resources in the classpath, a directories tree in filesystem, a zip or jar archive, a database, a connexion to a remote server ...

The proper way to use this interface is to configure one or more implementations and register them in the data providers manager singleton, or to let this manager use its default configuration. Once registered, they will be used automatically whenever some data needs to be loaded. This allow high level applications developers to customize Orekit data loading mechanism and get a tighter intergation of the library within their application.

Luc Maisonobe
See Also:
DataLoader, DataProvidersManager

Field Summary
static Pattern GZIP_FILE_PATTERN
          Pattern for name of gzip files.
          Pattern for name of zip/jar archives.
Method Summary
 boolean feed(Pattern supported, DataLoader visitor)
          Feed a data file loader by browsing the data collection.

Field Detail


static final Pattern GZIP_FILE_PATTERN
Pattern for name of gzip files.


static final Pattern ZIP_ARCHIVE_PATTERN
Pattern for name of zip/jar archives.

Method Detail


boolean feed(Pattern supported,
             DataLoader visitor)
             throws OrekitException
Feed a data file loader by browsing the data collection.

The method crawls all files referenced in the instance (for example all files in a directories tree) and for each file supported by the file loader it asks the file loader to load it.

If the method completes without exception, then the data loader is considered to have been fed successfully and the top level data providers manager will return immediately without attempting to use the next configured providers.

If the method completes abruptly with an exception, then the top level data providers manager will try to use the next configured providers, in case another one can feed the data loader.

supported - pattern for file names supported by the visitor
visitor - data file visitor to use
true if some data has been loaded
OrekitException - if the data loader cannot be fed (read error ...)

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