
This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena experienced in the atmosphere of the earth.


Interface Summary
GeoMagneticDataProvider Interface for geomagnetic data provider.
TroposphericCorrection Defines a tropospheric model, used to calculate the signal delay for the signal path imposed to electro-magnetic signals between an orbital satellite and a ground station.

Class Summary
COFFileFormatReader Reader for COF file formats for geomagnetic models.
FixedDelayModel A static tropospheric model that interpolates the actual tropospheric delay based on values read from a configuration file (tropospheric-delay.txt) via the DataProvidersManager.
GeoMagneticElements Contains the elements to represent a magnetic field at a single point.
GeoMagneticField Used to calculate the geomagnetic field at a given geodetic point on earth.
GeoMagneticFieldFactory Factory for different GeoMagneticField models.
GeoMagneticModelReader Loads geomagnetic field models from a given input stream.
SaastamoinenModel The modified Saastamoinen model.

Enum Summary
GeoMagneticFieldFactory.FieldModel The currently supported geomagnetic field models.

Package Description

This package provides models that simulate certain physical phenomena experienced in the atmosphere of the earth. Currently the following models are included:

T. Neidhart

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