Main differences between V4.5.1 and V4.4
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PATRIUS V4.5.1 is a major release adding some new features and correcting some bugs.
New functionalities
- Add Mean <=> Osculating Liu conversion
- Add fast sin and cos computation in one single time
- Add handling of partial derivatives equations in multi-satellites propagation
- Improve computation times (orbit propagation mainly) when using Assemblies, drag force and rediffused PRS
- Add handling of signal propagation delay in event detections
Bugs fixes
- Correction of Meeus board model
- Correction of yaw compensation attitude law when used with a non-geocentric frame
- Correction of MSIS model (temperature below 72.5km)
- Correction of TLE handling of classification char
- Correction of redifused radiative model when used in conjonction with a non-spherical satellite
- Correction of MassModel mass update when used with several maneuvers