User Manual 4.15 Orientation

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The purpose of this chapter is to describe the orientation package.

An orientation provider is an interface that provides methods to return an angle as a function of a spacecraft state.


Library Javadoc
Patrius Package fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.attitudes.orientations


None as of now.

Useful Documents

None as of now.

Package Overview

Features Description

The orientations package is designed similarly to attitude providers:

  • An interface OrientationAngleProvider returns an angle given a spacecraft state (similarly to AttitudeProvider which returns an Attitude)
  • An interface OrientationAngleLaw gathers orientation laws and is similar to AttitudeLaw
  • An interface OrientationAngleLeg is a time-bounded leg and is similar to AttitudeLeg
  • An interface OrientationAngleProfile is a profile of orientation angles and is similar to AttitudeProfile
  • A class OrientationAngleLawLeg is a law leg and is similar to AttitudeLawLeg
  • A class OrientationAngleLawLegsSequence is a sequence of OrientationAngleLawLeg and is similar to AttitudeLawLegsSequence
  • A class OrientationAngleProfileSequence is a sequence of OrientationAngleProfile and is similar to AttitudeProfileSequence

Note: the package currently does not provide any implementation of OrientationAngleProvider interface except for constant angles.

Getting Started

Use is identical to attitudes. See the page for examples.



Interface Summary Javadoc
OrientationAngleProvider Interface for all orientation angles providers. ...
OrientationAngleLaw Interface for all orientation angles lasw. ...
OrientationAngleLeg Interface for all orientation angles legs. ...
OrientationAngleProfile Interface for all orientation angles profiles. ...


Class Summary Javadoc
OrientationAngleLawLeg Orientation angle law leg. ...
OrientationAngleLawLegsSequence Sequence of Orientation angle legs. ...
OrientationAngleProfileSequence Sequence of Orientation angle profiles. ...