Uses of Class

Packages that use Pair
org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.gauss Gauss family of quadrature schemes. 
org.apache.commons.math3.distribution Implementations of common discrete and continuous distributions. 
org.apache.commons.math3.optim Generally, optimizers are algorithms that will either minimize or maximize a scalar function, called the objective function
org.apache.commons.math3.optimization All classes and sub-packages of this package are deprecated. 
org.apache.commons.math3.util Convenience routines and common data structures used throughout the commons-math library. 
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 
org.orekit.utils This package provides useful objects. 

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.gauss

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.gauss that return Pair
protected abstract  Pair<T[],T[]> BaseRuleFactory.computeRule(int numberOfPoints)
          Computes the rule for the given order.
protected  Pair<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal[]> LegendreHighPrecisionRuleFactory.computeRule(int numberOfPoints)
          Computes the rule for the given order.
protected  Pair<Double[],Double[]> LegendreRuleFactory.computeRule(int numberOfPoints)
          Computes the rule for the given order.
 Pair<double[],double[]> BaseRuleFactory.getRule(int numberOfPoints)
          Gets a copy of the quadrature rule with the given number of integration points.
protected  Pair<T[],T[]> BaseRuleFactory.getRuleInternal(int numberOfPoints)
          Gets a rule.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.gauss with parameters of type Pair
protected  void BaseRuleFactory.addRule(Pair<T[],T[]> rule)
          Stores a rule.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.gauss with parameters of type Pair
GaussIntegrator(Pair<double[],double[]> pointsAndWeights)
          Creates an integrator from the given pair of points (first element of the pair) and weights (second element of the pair.

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.math3.distribution

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.distribution that return types with arguments of type Pair
 List<Pair<Double,T>> MixtureMultivariateRealDistribution.getComponents()
          Gets the distributions that make up the mixture model.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.commons.math3.distribution with type arguments of type Pair
MixtureMultivariateRealDistribution(List<Pair<Double,T>> components)
          Creates a mixture model from a list of distributions and their associated weights.
MixtureMultivariateRealDistribution(RandomGenerator rng, List<Pair<Double,T>> components)
          Creates a mixture model from a list of distributions and their associated weights.

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.math3.optim

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.optim with type parameters of type Pair
 class SimplePointChecker<PAIR extends Pair<double[],? extends Object>>
          Simple implementation of the ConvergenceChecker interface using only point coordinates.

Subclasses of Pair in org.apache.commons.math3.optim
 class PointValuePair
          This class holds a point and the value of an objective function at that point.
 class PointVectorValuePair
          This class holds a point and the vectorial value of an objective function at that point.

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.math3.optimization

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.optimization with type parameters of type Pair
 class SimplePointChecker<PAIR extends Pair<double[],? extends Object>>
          Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).

Uses of Pair in org.apache.commons.math3.util

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.util with parameters of type Pair
Pair(Pair<? extends K,? extends V> entry)
          Create an entry representing the same mapping as the specified entry.

Uses of Pair in org.orekit.attitudes

Constructor parameters in org.orekit.attitudes with type arguments of type Pair
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw(AbsoluteDate refDate, List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates, Frame frame, RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawBefore, RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawAfter)
          Create a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw object with list of Angular Coordinates (during the interval of validity), a law before the interval and a law after the interval.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw(Frame frame, AbsoluteDate refDate, List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations, RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawBefore, RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw.AroundAttitudeType lawAfter)
          Create a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw object with list of rotations (during the interval of validity), a law before the interval and a law after the interval.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate, Frame frame, List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates)
          Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of angular coordinates associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate, List<Pair<Double,AngularCoordinates>> angularCoordinates, int nbInterpolationPoints, Frame frame)
          Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of angular coordinates associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date and a number of points used for interpolation.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate, List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations, Frame frame)
          Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date.
RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg(AbsoluteDate referenceDate, List<Pair<Double,Rotation>> orientations, Frame frame, int nbInterpolationPoints)
          Build a RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLeg with a reference date, a list of Rotations associated with a double representing the time elapsed since the reference date and a number of points used for interpolation.

Uses of Pair in org.orekit.utils

Method parameters in org.orekit.utils with type arguments of type Pair
static AngularCoordinates AngularCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date, boolean useRotationRates, Collection<Pair<AbsoluteDate,AngularCoordinates>> sample)
          Deprecated. since 3.1 replaced with TimeStampedAngularCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate, AngularDerivativesFilter, Collection)
static AngularCoordinates AngularCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date, boolean useRotationRates, Collection<Pair<AbsoluteDate,AngularCoordinates>> sample, boolean computeSpinDerivative)
          Deprecated. since 3.1 replaced with TimeStampedAngularCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate, AngularDerivativesFilter, Collection, boolean)
static PVCoordinates PVCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate date, boolean useVelocities, Collection<Pair<AbsoluteDate,PVCoordinates>> sample)
          Deprecated. since 3.1 replaced with TimeStampedPVCoordinates.interpolate(AbsoluteDate, CartesianDerivativesFilter, Collection)

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