Uses of Interface

Packages that use AttitudeLaw
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 

Uses of AttitudeLaw in org.orekit.attitudes

Subinterfaces of AttitudeLaw in org.orekit.attitudes
 interface AttitudeLawModifier
          This interface represents an attitude law that modifies/wraps another underlying law.

Classes in org.orekit.attitudes that implement AttitudeLaw
 class AbstractAttitudeLaw
          This abstract class gather all common features to classes implementing the AttitudeLaw interface.
 class AttitudeLegLaw
          This class represents an attitude law version "attitudeLeg", with an interval of validity (whose borders are closed points) and attitude laws outside this interval of validity.
 class AttitudesSequence
          This classes manages a sequence of different attitude providers that are activated in turn according to switching events.
 class BodyCenterGroundPointing
          This class handles body center pointing attitude provider; the difference between BodyCenterPointing and this class is that the target point of the former is the body center, while that of the latter is the corresponding point on the ground.
 class BodyCenterPointing
          This class handles body center pointing attitude provider.
 class CelestialBodyPointed
          This class handles a celestial body pointed attitude provider.
 class ComposedAttitudeLaw
          This class represents a composed attitude law, defined by a main attitude law provider and a chained list of orientation laws.
The main attitude law provides, for a given date, the dynamic frame representing the spacecraft orientation; this orientation is then progressively transformed using the orientation laws.
 class ConstantAttitudeLaw
          This class handles a constant attitude law.
 class FixedRate
          This class handles a simple attitude provider at constant rate around a fixed axis.
 class GroundPointing
          Base class for ground pointing attitude providers.
 class GroundPointingWrapper
          This class leverages common parts for compensation modes around ground pointing attitudes.
 class IsisSunPointing
          Implementation of ISIS Sun pointing attitude law.
 class LofOffset
          Attitude law defined by fixed Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles (in any order) with respect to a local orbital frame.
 class LofOffsetPointing
          This class provides a default attitude provider.
 class NadirPointing
          This class handles nadir pointing attitude provider.
 class RelativeTabulatedAttitudeLaw
          This class represents a relative tabulated attitude law version "attitudeLeg", with an interval of validity (whose borders are closed points) and attitude laws outside this interval of validity, which can be of two types : a ConstantAttitudeLaw, or an ExtrapolatedAttitudeLaw (private class)
 class SpinStabilized
          This class handles a spin stabilized attitude provider.
 class SunPointing
           This class implements a Sun pointing attitude law.
 class TargetGroundPointing
          This class handles target pointing attitude provider; while the class TargetPointing does not guarantee the target point belongs to the body surface, this class always provides a ground point target.
 class TargetPointing
          This class handles target pointing attitude provider.
 class TwoDirectionsAttitude
           This class implements a generic two directions attitude law.
 class YawCompensation
          This class handles yaw compensation attitude provider.
 class YawSteering
          This class handles yaw steering law.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes that return AttitudeLaw
 AttitudeLaw AttitudeLawLeg.getAttitudeLaw()
          Gets the attitude law provider associated to the current attitude leg.
 AttitudeLaw ComposedAttitudeLaw.getUnderlyingAttitudeLaw()
 AttitudeLaw GroundPointingWrapper.getUnderlyingAttitudeLaw()
          Get the underlying (ground pointing) attitude provider.
 AttitudeLaw AttitudeLawModifier.getUnderlyingAttitudeLaw()
          Get the underlying attitude law.
 AttitudeLaw SpinStabilized.getUnderlyingAttitudeLaw()
          Get the underlying attitude law.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type AttitudeLaw
 void AttitudesSequence.addSwitchingCondition(AttitudeLaw before, EventDetector switchEvent, boolean switchOnIncrease, boolean switchOnDecrease, AttitudeLaw after)
          Add a switching condition between two attitude providers.
 void AttitudesSequence.resetActiveProvider(AttitudeLaw provider)
          Reset the active provider.

Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type AttitudeLaw
AttitudeFrame(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProvider, AttitudeLaw attitudeLaw, Frame referenceFrame)
          Constructor of the dynamic spacecraft frame.
AttitudeLawLeg(AttitudeLaw attitudeLaw, AbsoluteDate initialDate, AbsoluteDate finalDate)
          Build an attitude law version "attitude".
AttitudeLegLaw(AttitudeLaw attitudelawBefore, AttitudeLeg attitudeleg, AttitudeLaw attitudelawAfter)
          Build an attitude law version "attitudeLeg".
AttitudeTransformProvider(AttitudeLaw law, PVCoordinatesProvider pv, Frame frame)
          Protected constructor.
ComposedAttitudeLaw(AttitudeLaw law, LinkedList<IOrientationLaw> modifiers)
          Builds a composed attitude law from a man attitude law provider and a list of modifier orientation laws.
SpinStabilized(AttitudeLaw pNonRotatingLaw, AbsoluteDate pStart, Vector3D pAxis, double pRate)
          Creates a new instance.

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