Uses of Interface

Packages that use Vector3DFunction
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 

Uses of Vector3DFunction in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance that implement Vector3DFunction
 class Vector3DPolynomialSegment
          This class represents an angular velocity polynomial guidance profile on a segment.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.guidance that return Vector3DFunction
 Vector3DFunction AngularVelocitiesPolynomialProfile.getVectorFunction()
 Vector3DFunction Vector3DPolynomialSegment.nthDerivative(int order)

Uses of Vector3DFunction in org.orekit.attitudes

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes that return Vector3DFunction
 Vector3DFunction TwoSpinBiasSlew.getSpinFunction(Frame frame, AbsoluteDate zeroAbscissa)

Uses of Vector3DFunction in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics

Classes in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics that implement Vector3DFunction
 class AbstractVector3DFunction
          This abstract class is a time-dependent function representing a vector 3D.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics that return Vector3DFunction
 Vector3DFunction AbstractOrientationFunction.computeSpinFunction()
          Estimate the Vector3DFunction from the current OrientationFunction using the quaternions formula: Ω = 2 * Q' dQ, where Q' is the conjugate of the quaternion and dQ is the derivative of the quaternion at the given date.
 Vector3DFunction AbstractOrientationFunction.estimateRateFunction(double dt)
          Estimate the Vector3DFunction from the current OrientationFunction using the AngularCoordinates.estimateRate(Rotation, Rotation, double) method.
 Vector3DFunction OrientationFunction.estimateRateFunction(double dt)
          Estimate the Vector3DFunction from the current OrientationFunction using the AngularCoordinates.estimateRate(Rotation, Rotation, double) method.
 Vector3DFunction AbstractVector3DFunction.nthDerivative(int order)
          Compute the Vector3DFunction representing the n-th derivative of the current vector function.
The differentiation is performed using a numerical differentiation method.
 Vector3DFunction Vector3DFunction.nthDerivative(int order)
          Compute the Vector3DFunction representing the n-th derivative of the current vector function.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes.kinematics with parameters of type Vector3DFunction
static Rotation KinematicsToolkit.integrate(KinematicsToolkit.IntegrationType type, Rotation initOrientation, AbsoluteDate initDate, AbsoluteDate finalDate, Vector3DFunction spin, double step)
          Integrate a spin function.

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