Uses of Interface

Packages that use TimeStamped   
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 
org.orekit.bodies This package provides interface to represent the position and geometry of space objects such as stars, planets or asteroids. 
org.orekit.files.general This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding parsers. 
org.orekit.orbits This package provides classes to represent orbits. 
org.orekit.propagation This package provides tools to propagate orbital states with different methods. 
org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle This package provides classes to read and extrapolate tle's. This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation. 
org.orekit.time This independent package provides classes to handle epochs, time scales, and to compare instants together. 
org.orekit.utils This package provides useful objects. 

Uses of TimeStamped in

Classes in that implement TimeStamped
 class CodedEvent
           This class represents an event occurrence.
An event is identified by a code (its name), the date of occurrence, a string representing a comment and a flag that indicates if the event is a "starting" event (i.e.
static class CodedEventsLogger.LoggedCodedEvent
          This class is used to store the coded event with contextual information.

Uses of TimeStamped in

Classes in that implement TimeStamped
static class MultiCodedEventsLogger.MultiLoggedCodedEvent
          This class is used to store the coded event with contextual information.

Uses of TimeStamped in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.orbits

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.orbits that implement TimeStamped
 class StelaEquinoctialOrbit
          This class handles Stela equinoctial orbital parameters, which can support both circular and equatorial orbits.

Uses of TimeStamped in

Classes in that implement TimeStamped
 class DateDPFacade
           This class is a facade for the use of dates.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.attitudes

Classes in org.orekit.attitudes that implement TimeStamped
 class Attitude
          This class handles attitude definition at a given date.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.bodies

Classes in org.orekit.bodies that implement TimeStamped
 class PosVelChebyshev
          Position-Velocity model based on Chebyshev polynomials.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.files.general

Classes in org.orekit.files.general that implement TimeStamped
 class SatelliteTimeCoordinate
          Contains the position/velocity of a satellite at an specific epoch.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop

Classes in org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop that implement TimeStamped
 class EOP1980Entry
          This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry (IAU1980).
 class EOP2000Entry
          This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry (IAU2000).
 class EOPEntry
          This class holds an Earth Orientation Parameters entry.

Methods in org.orekit.frames.configuration.eop that return types with arguments of type TimeStamped
 Iterator<TimeStamped> AbstractEOPHistory.iterator()
 Iterator<TimeStamped> NoEOP2000History.iterator()

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.frames.configuration.precessionnutation

Classes in org.orekit.frames.configuration.precessionnutation that implement TimeStamped
 class CIPCoordinates
          This class represents a Celestial Intermediate Pole.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.frames.configuration.tides

Classes in org.orekit.frames.configuration.tides that implement TimeStamped
 class TidalCorrection
          This class represents a Pole, UT1-UTC and length of day correction set for a given date.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.frames.transformations

Classes in org.orekit.frames.transformations that implement TimeStamped
 class Transform
          Transformation class in three dimensional space.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.orbits

Classes in org.orekit.orbits that implement TimeStamped
 class ApsisOrbit
          This class handles periapsis/apoapsis parameters.
 class CartesianOrbit
          This class holds cartesian orbital parameters.
 class CircularOrbit
          This class handles circular orbital parameters.
 class EquatorialOrbit
          This class handles non circular equatorial orbital parameters.
 class EquinoctialOrbit
          This class handles equinoctial orbital parameters, which can support both circular and equatorial orbits.
 class KeplerianOrbit
          This class handles traditional keplerian orbital parameters.
 class Orbit
          This class handles orbital parameters.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.propagation

Classes in org.orekit.propagation that implement TimeStamped
 class SpacecraftState
          This class is the representation of a complete state holding orbit, attitude for forces and events computation and additional states informations at a given date.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.covariance

Classes in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.covariance that implement TimeStamped
 class OrbitCovariance
          Class storing orbit covariance and method for coordinate and frame conversion.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle

Classes in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.tle that implement TimeStamped
 class TLE
          This class is a container for a single set of TLE data.

Uses of TimeStamped in

Classes in that implement TimeStamped
 class DateDetector
          Finder for date events.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.time

Classes in org.orekit.time that implement TimeStamped
 class AbsoluteDate
          This class represents a specific instant in time.

Methods in org.orekit.time with parameters of type TimeStamped
 int timeStamped1, TimeStamped timeStamped2)
          Compare two time-stamped instances.

Uses of TimeStamped in org.orekit.utils

Classes in org.orekit.utils with type parameters of type TimeStamped
 class TimeStampedCache<T extends TimeStamped>
          Generic thread-safe cache for time-stamped data.
 interface TimeStampedGenerator<T extends TimeStamped>
          Generator to use for creating entries in time stamped caches.

Classes in org.orekit.utils that implement TimeStamped
 class TimeStampedAngularCoordinates
          time-stamped version of AngularCoordinates.
 class TimeStampedPVCoordinates
          time-stamped version of PVCoordinates.

Methods in org.orekit.utils that return TimeStamped
 T[] TimeStampedCache.getNeighbors(AbsoluteDate central)
          Get the entries surrounding a central date.

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