Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPart

Uses of IPart in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly

Classes in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly that implement IPart
 class MainPart
          -Class to manage the assembly's main part.
 class Part
           -Class to manage the assembly's part (the main part is excluded).

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly that return IPart
 IPart MainPart.getParent()
          Returns null : this part has no parent.
 IPart Part.getParent()
 IPart IPart.getParent()
 IPart Assembly.getPart(String name)
          Returns the part whose name is specified.
 IPart AssemblyBuilder.getPart(String name)
          This method returns the part whose name is given in parameter.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly that return types with arguments of type IPart
 Map<String,IPart> Assembly.getParts()
          Returns all the parts of the assembly.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly with parameters of type IPart
 void Assembly.addPart(IPart part)
          Adds a part to the assembly.

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly with parameters of type IPart
Part(String inName, IPart inParentPart, Transform inTransform)
          Constructor of a part with a transformation.

Uses of IPart in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly.models with parameters of type IPart
protected static Vector3D AeroModel.forceOnFacet(SpacecraftState state, IPart part, Assembly assembly, double density, Vector3D relativeVelocity)
          Method to compute the force for a plane model.
protected static Vector3D DirectRadiativeModel.forceOnFacet(SpacecraftState state, IPart part, Vector3D flux)
          Method to compute the force for a plane model.
protected static Vector3D AeroModel.forceOnSphere(SpacecraftState state, IPart part, double density, Vector3D relativeVelocity, Frame mainPartFrame)
          Method to compute the force for the part model (cylinder, parallelepiped, sphere).
protected static Vector3D DirectRadiativeModel.forceOnSphere(SpacecraftState state, IPart part, Vector3D flux, Frame mainPartFrame)
          Method to compute the force for a spherical model.

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