Uses of Class

Packages that use PropulsiveProperty

Uses of PropulsiveProperty in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly that return types with arguments of type PropulsiveProperty
 List<PropulsiveProperty> Vehicle.getEnginesList()
          Returns the engines list.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.assembly with parameters of type PropulsiveProperty
 void Vehicle.addEngine(PropulsiveProperty engine)
          Add an engine to the vehicle.

Uses of PropulsiveProperty in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces

Constructors in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces with parameters of type PropulsiveProperty
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter, PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter, PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Parameter flowRate, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust using Parameter, PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame and constant thrust, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided local orbital frame and constant thrust, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a constant direction in satellite frame and constant thrust with PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty properties.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, Frame frameIn)
          Constructor for a constant direction in provided frame and constant thrust with PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty properties.
ConstantThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, Vector3D inDirection, MassProvider massProvider, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a constant direction in local orbital frame and constant thrust with PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty properties.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, Frame refFrame)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(AbsoluteDate date, double duration, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame, thrust and ISP expressed in a LocalOrbitalFrame, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, Frame refFrame)
          Constructor for a variable direction in spacecraft frame, thrust and ISP, using PropulsiveProperty and TankProperty.
VariableThrustManeuver(EventDetector startEventDetector, EventDetector stopEventDetector, PropulsiveProperty engine, IDependentVectorVariable<SpacecraftState> variableDirection, MassProvider massModel, TankProperty tank, LOFType lofTyp)
          Constructor for a variable direction in provided local orbital frame, thrust and ISP expressed in a LocalOrbitalFrame.

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