Interface CodingEventDetector

All Superinterfaces:
EventDetector, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CodingEventDetector
extends EventDetector

This interface represents an event detector that is able to build a CodedEvent object.

A CodingEventDetector can be used during propagation when we want to log the occurred events.
These events are detected by the EventDetector that has been specified when creating the CodingEventDetector

$Id: 17586 2017-05-10 13:29:16Z bignon $
Tiziana Sabatini
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 CodedEvent buildCodedEvent(SpacecraftState s, boolean increasing)
          Build a CodedEvent instance appropriate for the provided SpacecraftState.
 CodedEvent buildDelayedCodedEvent(SpacecraftState s, boolean increasing)
          Build a delayed CodedEvent instance appropriate for the provided SpacecraftState.
 CodedEvent buildOccurrenceCodedEvent(SpacecraftState s, boolean increasing)
          Build a CodedEvent instance appropriate for the provided SpacecraftState.
 String getEventType()
          Gets a code indicating the type of event we want to log: DELAY when a delay is associated to the logged events with respect to the detected events, N_OCCURRENCE when we want to log the nth occurrence of the detected events, STANDARD when no delays and no occurrence numbers are taken into consideration.
 String getPhenomenonCode()
          If the implementation supports a Phenomenon, provides a code for the phenomenon associated to the event.
 boolean positiveSignMeansActive()
          Get the sign of the g method that means "the phenomenon associated to the event is active".
This method has been implemented because of the inconsistency of the sign of the g functions in the EventDetector classes in Orekit: for some events, g is positive when its associated phenomenon is active, and for others, g is positive when its phenomenon is not active.
WARNING : If Phenomena are not supported, the behavior of this method is undefined.
Methods inherited from interface
eventOccurred, g, getMaxCheckInterval, getMaxIterationCount, getSlopeSelection, getThreshold, init, resetState, shouldBeRemoved

Method Detail


CodedEvent buildCodedEvent(SpacecraftState s,
                           boolean increasing)
Build a CodedEvent instance appropriate for the provided SpacecraftState.

s - the current state information : date, kinematics, attitude
increasing - if true, g function increases around event date.
the CodedEvent


CodedEvent buildDelayedCodedEvent(SpacecraftState s,
                                  boolean increasing)
Build a delayed CodedEvent instance appropriate for the provided SpacecraftState. This instance will have a delay with respect to the associated detected event.

s - the current state information : date, kinematics, attitude
increasing - if true, g function increases around event date.
the CodedEvent


CodedEvent buildOccurrenceCodedEvent(SpacecraftState s,
                                     boolean increasing)
Build a CodedEvent instance appropriate for the provided SpacecraftState. This method will return an instance only if it is be the nth occurrence of the corresponding event, otherwise it will return null. A delay can be applied to the event.

s - the current state information : date, kinematics, attitude
increasing - if true, g function increases around event date.
the CodedEvent


boolean positiveSignMeansActive()
Get the sign of the g method that means "the phenomenon associated to the event is active".
This method has been implemented because of the inconsistency of the sign of the g functions in the EventDetector classes in Orekit: for some events, g is positive when its associated phenomenon is active, and for others, g is positive when its phenomenon is not active.
WARNING : If Phenomena are not supported, the behavior of this method is undefined.

true for positive, false for negative.


String getPhenomenonCode()
If the implementation supports a Phenomenon, provides a code for the phenomenon associated to the event. If not, returns null.

either a code, or null if Phenomena are not supported.


String getEventType()
Gets a code indicating the type of event we want to log: DELAY when a delay is associated to the logged events with respect to the detected events, N_OCCURRENCE when we want to log the nth occurrence of the detected events, STANDARD when no delays and no occurrence numbers are taken into consideration.

the type of event to log

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