Uses of Class

Packages that use Timeline   

Uses of Timeline in

Methods in with parameters of type Timeline
 void ElementTypeFilter.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void OccurrenceFilter.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void PolarizationSingleSelection.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void AndCriterion.applyTo(Timeline list)
          Adds to the phenomena list of a TimeLine object the phenomena corresponding to each time intervals when phenomena of particular types A and B occur at the same time.
 void MergePhenomenaCriterion.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void MergeTimelines.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void PolarizationSwitch.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void PhenomenonDurationFilter.applyTo(Timeline list)
          Removes from the list the specified phenomena that are longer / shorter than the duration criterion (depending on the isMinDuration boolean value).
 void OrCriterion.applyTo(Timeline list)
          Adds to the phenomena list of a TimeLine object the phenomena corresponding to each time intervals when phenomena of particular types A OR B occur.
 void TimeFilter.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void DelayCriterion.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void PostProcessing.applyTo(Timeline list)
 void EventsDuringPhenomenaFilter.applyTo(Timeline list)

Constructors in with parameters of type Timeline
MergeTimelines(Timeline list)
Timeline(Timeline timeline)
          Builds an instance of the Timeline from another Timeline.

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