Package fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.fieldsofview

Interface Summary
IFieldOfView This is the interface for all the field of view (circular, elliptic...).

Class Summary
AzimuthElevationField Field of view defined by an azimuth-elevation mask : the algorithms are from the Orekit GroundMaskElevationDetector detector.
BooleanField This class describes a boolean field of view that combines two existing fields with a "AND" or "OR" boolean combination.
CircularField This class describes a right circular field of view to be used in "instruments" part properties.
EllipticField This class describes an elliptic field of view to be used in "instruments" part properties.
FieldAngularFace This class represent a face of a pyramidal field of view.
InvertField This field of view contains an existing field and inverts it.
OmnidirectionalField This class describes an omnidirectional field of view : any vector is in it, the angular distance is always 1 (positive).
PyramidalField This class describes a pyramidal field of view defined a list of vectors (its edges) cone, to be used in "instruments" part properties.
RectangleField This class describes a field of view defined by a rectangle cone, to be used in "instruments" part properties.
SectorField This class defines a "sector" field of view.

Enum Summary
BooleanField.BooleanCombination The boolean combination to be applied

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