Class EmpiricalForce

  extended by org.orekit.parameter.Parameterizable
      extended by org.orekit.parameter.JacobiansParameterizable
          extended by fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces.EmpiricalForce
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ForceModel, GradientModel, IJacobiansParameterizable, IParameterizable

public class EmpiricalForce
extends JacobiansParameterizable
implements ForceModel, GradientModel

This class implements the empirical force. An empirical force is a "pseudo acceleration" with the same frequency of the spacecraft orbital frequency (or a multiple of this frequency). This class allows to model a bunch of empirical forces, such as Hill, Hill2 and bias.

Given an orbit and a local frame (usually a LOF frame), and three vectors A, B and C defined in this frame, the acceleration due to a generic empirical force is the following:
aloc = Acos(nωt) + Bsin(nωt) + C,
where n is the harmonic factor and ω is the orbital period.

As ω is usually unknown, cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) are computed from the orbital position of the spacecraft:

To avoid to be restricted to these two cases, the user is free to choose a vector S that is used to define a reference direction V (V = S x ω); this reference direction is used to compute cos(nωt) and sin(nωt):

This vector S shall be expressed in the inertial frame associated to the SpacecraftState.

The implementation of this class enables the computation of partial derivatives with respect to the X, Y and Z-components of the A, B and C coefficients.

$Id: 17586 2017-05-10 13:29:16Z bignon $
Tiziana Sabatini
See Also:
Serialized Form
Concurrency :
not thread-safe
Concurrency comment :
attributes are mutable

Field Summary
static String AX_COEFFICIENT
          X-component of the A coefficient.
static String AY_COEFFICIENT
          Y-component of the A coefficient.
static String AZ_COEFFICIENT
          Z-component of the A coefficient.
static String BX_COEFFICIENT
          X-component of the B coefficient.
static String BY_COEFFICIENT
          Y-component of the B coefficient.
static String BZ_COEFFICIENT
          Z-component of the B coefficient.
static String CX_COEFFICIENT
          X-component of the C coefficient.
static String CY_COEFFICIENT
          Y-component of the C coefficient.
static String CZ_COEFFICIENT
          Z-component of the C coefficient.
Constructor Summary
EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor, Vector3D vectorS, IParamDiffFunction ax, IParamDiffFunction ay, IParamDiffFunction az, IParamDiffFunction bx, IParamDiffFunction by, IParamDiffFunction bz, IParamDiffFunction cx, IParamDiffFunction cy, IParamDiffFunction cz, Frame coeffsFrame)
          Simple constructor for an empiric force using parameterizable functions for A; B and C coef with a given frame.
EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor, Vector3D vectorS, IParamDiffFunction ax, IParamDiffFunction ay, IParamDiffFunction az, IParamDiffFunction bx, IParamDiffFunction by, IParamDiffFunction bz, IParamDiffFunction cx, IParamDiffFunction cy, IParamDiffFunction cz, LOFType coeffsFrameLOFType)
          Simple constructor for an empiric force using parameterizable functions for A; B and C coef with a given LOF frame.
EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor, Vector3D vectorS, Parameter ax, Parameter ay, Parameter az, Parameter bx, Parameter by, Parameter bz, Parameter cx, Parameter cy, Parameter cz, Frame coeffsFrame)
          Simple constructor for an empiric force using Parameter for A; B and C coef with a given frame.
EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor, Vector3D vectorS, Parameter ax, Parameter ay, Parameter az, Parameter bx, Parameter by, Parameter bz, Parameter cx, Parameter cy, Parameter cz, LOFType coeffsFrameLOFType)
          Simple constructor for an empiric force using Parameter for A; B and C coef with a given LOF frame.
EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor, Vector3D vectorS, Vector3D a, Vector3D b, Vector3D c, Frame coeffsFrame)
          Simple constructor for an empiric force, assigning a generic frame to the A, B, C coefficients frame.
EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor, Vector3D vectorS, Vector3D a, Vector3D b, Vector3D c, LOFType coeffsFrameLOFType)
          Simple constructor for an empiric force.
Method Summary
 void addContribution(SpacecraftState state, TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
          Compute the contribution of the force model to the perturbing acceleration.
 void addDAccDParam(SpacecraftState state, Parameter param, double[] dAccdParam)
          Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to additional parameters.
 void addDAccDState(SpacecraftState state, double[][] dAccdPos, double[][] dAccdVel)
          Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.
 Vector3D computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv, LocalOrbitalFrame localFrameValidation, Vector3D vectorS, Frame frame, SpacecraftState state)
           Method to compute the acceleration.
 Vector3D computeAcceleration(SpacecraftState state)
          Compute the acceleration due to the force.
 double[] computeCosSin(PVCoordinates pv, Vector3D vectorS)
          Private method to compute the cos(nwt) and sin(nwt) values.
 boolean computeGradientPosition()
          This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to position have to be computed.
 boolean computeGradientVelocity()
          This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to velocity have to be computed.
 IParamDiffFunction getAx()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Ax coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getAy()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Ay coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getAz()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Az coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getBx()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Bx coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getBy()
          Get the parametereziable function for the By coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getBz()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Bz coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getCx()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Ax coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getCy()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Cy coefficient.
 IParamDiffFunction getCz()
          Get the parametereziable function for the Cz coefficient.
 EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors()
          Get the discrete events related to the model.
 Frame getLocalFrame()
 Vector3D getVectorS()
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.parameter.JacobiansParameterizable
addJacobiansParameter, addJacobiansParameter, addJacobiansParameter, supportsJacobianParameter
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.parameter.Parameterizable
addParameter, getParameters, supportsParameter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.orekit.parameter.IParameterizable
getParameters, supportsParameter

Field Detail


public static final String AX_COEFFICIENT
X-component of the A coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String AY_COEFFICIENT
Y-component of the A coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String AZ_COEFFICIENT
Z-component of the A coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String BX_COEFFICIENT
X-component of the B coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String BY_COEFFICIENT
Y-component of the B coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String BZ_COEFFICIENT
Z-component of the B coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CX_COEFFICIENT
X-component of the C coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CY_COEFFICIENT
Y-component of the C coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CZ_COEFFICIENT
Z-component of the C coefficient.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor,
                      Vector3D vectorS,
                      Vector3D a,
                      Vector3D b,
                      Vector3D c,
                      Frame coeffsFrame)
Simple constructor for an empiric force, assigning a generic frame to the A, B, C coefficients frame.
It sets the parameters used for the acceleration computation: aloc = Acos(nωt) + Bsin(nωt) + C.
WARNING: If the frame of definition of vectors A,B and C is a local orbital frame (LOF), this constructor must NOT be used (acceleration computation would fail); The EmpiricalForce(int, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, LOFType) constructor should be used instead to avoid problems during propagation.

harmonicFactor - the harmonic factor n.
vectorS - the direction whose cross product with ω is used as a reference direction to compute the cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) terms.
a - the vector representing the A coefficient (expressed in the local frame).
b - the vector representing the B coefficient (expressed in the local frame).
c - the vector representing the C coefficient (expressed in the local frame).
coeffsFrame - the frame of definition of vectors A, B and C.


public EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor,
                      Vector3D vectorS,
                      Vector3D a,
                      Vector3D b,
                      Vector3D c,
                      LOFType coeffsFrameLOFType)
Simple constructor for an empiric force. This constructor MUST be used if the frame of definition of vectors A,B and C is a local orbital frame (LOF).

harmonicFactor - the harmonic factor n.
vectorS - the direction whose cross product with ω is used as a reference direction to compute the cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) terms.
a - the vector representing the A coefficient (expressed in the local frame).
b - the vector representing the B coefficient (expressed in the local frame).
c - the vector representing the C coefficient (expressed in the local frame).
coeffsFrameLOFType - the frame of definition of vectors A, B and C.


public EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor,
                      Vector3D vectorS,
                      Parameter ax,
                      Parameter ay,
                      Parameter az,
                      Parameter bx,
                      Parameter by,
                      Parameter bz,
                      Parameter cx,
                      Parameter cy,
                      Parameter cz,
                      LOFType coeffsFrameLOFType)
Simple constructor for an empiric force using Parameter for A; B and C coef with a given LOF frame.

harmonicFactor - the harmonic factor
vectorS - the direction vector whose cross product with ω is used as a reference direction to compute the cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) terms.
ax - Parameter for A coefficient along x (ax)
ay - Parameter for A coefficient along Y (ay)
az - Parameter for A coefficient along Z (az)
bx - Parameter for B coefficient along x (bx)
by - Parameter for B coefficient along Y (by)
bz - Parameter for B coefficient along Z (bz)
cx - Parameter for C coefficient along x (cx)
cy - Parameter for C coefficient along Y (cy)
cz - Parameter for C coefficient along Z (cz)
coeffsFrameLOFType - the frame of definition of vectors A, B and C


public EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor,
                      Vector3D vectorS,
                      Parameter ax,
                      Parameter ay,
                      Parameter az,
                      Parameter bx,
                      Parameter by,
                      Parameter bz,
                      Parameter cx,
                      Parameter cy,
                      Parameter cz,
                      Frame coeffsFrame)
Simple constructor for an empiric force using Parameter for A; B and C coef with a given frame. WARNING : If the frame of definition of vectors A,B and C is a local orbital frame (LOF), this constructor must NOT be used, acceleration computation would fail.

harmonicFactor - the harmonic factor n.
vectorS - the direction whose cross product with ω is used as a reference direction to compute the cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) terms.
ax - Parameter for A coefficient along x.
ay - Parameter for A coefficient along Y.
az - Parameter for A coefficient along Z.
bx - Parameter for B coefficient along x.
by - Parameter for B coefficient along Y.
bz - Parameter for B coefficient along Z.
cx - Parameter for C coefficient along x.
cy - Parameter for C coefficient along Y.
cz - Parameter for C coefficient along Z.
coeffsFrame - the frame of vectors A, B and C.


public EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor,
                      Vector3D vectorS,
                      IParamDiffFunction ax,
                      IParamDiffFunction ay,
                      IParamDiffFunction az,
                      IParamDiffFunction bx,
                      IParamDiffFunction by,
                      IParamDiffFunction bz,
                      IParamDiffFunction cx,
                      IParamDiffFunction cy,
                      IParamDiffFunction cz,
                      LOFType coeffsFrameLOFType)
Simple constructor for an empiric force using parameterizable functions for A; B and C coef with a given LOF frame.

harmonicFactor - the harmonic factor n.
vectorS - the direction whose cross product with ω is used as a reference direction to compute the cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) terms.
ax - Parameterizable function for A coefficient along x (ax)
ay - Parameterizable function for A coefficient along Y (ay)
az - Parameterizable function for A coefficient along Z (az)
bx - Parameterizable function for B coefficient along x (bx)
by - Parameterizable function for B coefficient along Y (by)
bz - Parameterizable function for B coefficient along Z (bz)
cx - Parameterizable function for C coefficient along x (cx)
cy - Parameterizable function for C coefficient along Y (cy)
cz - Parameterizable function for C coefficient along Z (cz)
coeffsFrameLOFType - the frame of definition of vectors A, B and C.


public EmpiricalForce(int harmonicFactor,
                      Vector3D vectorS,
                      IParamDiffFunction ax,
                      IParamDiffFunction ay,
                      IParamDiffFunction az,
                      IParamDiffFunction bx,
                      IParamDiffFunction by,
                      IParamDiffFunction bz,
                      IParamDiffFunction cx,
                      IParamDiffFunction cy,
                      IParamDiffFunction cz,
                      Frame coeffsFrame)
Simple constructor for an empiric force using parameterizable functions for A; B and C coef with a given frame. WARNING : If the frame of definition of vectors A,B and C is a local orbital frame (LOF), this constructor must NOT be used, acceleration computation would fail.

harmonicFactor - the harmonic factor n.
vectorS - the direction whose cross product with ω is used as a reference direction to compute the cos(nωt) and sin(nωt) terms.
ax - Parameterizable function for A coefficient along x.
ay - Parameterizable function for A coefficient along Y.
az - Parameterizable function for A coefficient along Z.
bx - Parameterizable function for B coefficient along x.
by - Parameterizable function for B coefficient along Y.
bz - Parameterizable function for B coefficient along Z.
cx - Parameterizable function for C coefficient along x.
cy - Parameterizable function for C coefficient along Y.
cz - Parameterizable function for C coefficient along Z.
coeffsFrame - the frame of vectors A, B and C.
Method Detail


public void addContribution(SpacecraftState state,
                            TimeDerivativesEquations adder)
                     throws OrekitException
Description copied from interface: ForceModel
Compute the contribution of the force model to the perturbing acceleration.

Specified by:
addContribution in interface ForceModel
state - current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
adder - object where the contribution should be added
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public Vector3D computeAcceleration(SpacecraftState state)
                             throws OrekitException
Description copied from interface: ForceModel
Compute the acceleration due to the force.

Specified by:
computeAcceleration in interface ForceModel
state - current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
acceleration in the SpacecraftState frame
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public Vector3D computeAcceleration(PVCoordinates pv,
                                    LocalOrbitalFrame localFrameValidation,
                                    Vector3D vectorS,
                                    Frame frame,
                                    SpacecraftState state)
                             throws OrekitException

Method to compute the acceleration. This method has been implemented in order to validate the force model only. The reason is that for the validation context, we want to pass to this method some specific values for the local frame and the direction, which depends on external variables (the PV reference ephemeris).

Out of the validation context, one must use the method Vector3D computeAcceleration(final SpacecraftState s)

pv - PV coordinates of the spacecraft for the validation.
localFrameValidation - the local frame to use for the validation.
vectorS - the vector S.
frame - the frame in which the PV coordinates are given.
state - the spacecraft state.
acceleration the computed acceleration
OrekitException - if an Orekit error occurs


public double[] computeCosSin(PVCoordinates pv,
                              Vector3D vectorS)
Private method to compute the cos(nwt) and sin(nwt) values.

pv - the pv coordinates.
vectorS - the vector S.
the cos(nwt) and sin(nwt) values as an array of doubles.


public final Frame getLocalFrame()
the local frame in which the vectors A, B and C are defined.


public final Vector3D getVectorS()
the direction vector S.


public EventDetector[] getEventsDetectors()
Description copied from interface: ForceModel
Get the discrete events related to the model.

Specified by:
getEventsDetectors in interface ForceModel
array of events detectors or null if the model is not related to any discrete events


public void addDAccDState(SpacecraftState state,
                          double[][] dAccdPos,
                          double[][] dAccdVel)
                   throws OrekitException
Description copied from interface: IJacobiansParameterizable
Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to state parameters.

Specified by:
addDAccDState in interface IJacobiansParameterizable
state - spacecraft state
dAccdPos - acceleration derivatives with respect to position
dAccdVel - acceleration derivatives with respect to velocity
OrekitException - if derivatives cannot be computed


public void addDAccDParam(SpacecraftState state,
                          Parameter param,
                          double[] dAccdParam)
                   throws OrekitException
Compute acceleration derivatives with respect to additional parameters.
AX_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the X-component of the A coefficient
AY_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the Y-component of the A coefficient
AZ_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the Z-component of the A coefficient
BX_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the X-component of the B coefficient
BY_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the Y-component of the B coefficient
BZ_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the Z-component of the B coefficient
CX_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the X-component of the C coefficient
CY_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the Y-component of the C coefficient
CZ_COEFFICIENT --> derivatives with respect to the Z-component of the C coefficient

Specified by:
addDAccDParam in interface IJacobiansParameterizable
state - spacecraft state
param - the parameter with respect to which derivatives are required
dAccdParam - acceleration derivatives with respect to specified parameters
OrekitException - if derivatives cannot be computed


public IParamDiffFunction getAx()
Get the parametereziable function for the Ax coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Ax coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getAy()
Get the parametereziable function for the Ay coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Ay coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getAz()
Get the parametereziable function for the Az coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Az coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getBx()
Get the parametereziable function for the Bx coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Bx coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getBy()
Get the parametereziable function for the By coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the By coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getBz()
Get the parametereziable function for the Bz coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Bz coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getCx()
Get the parametereziable function for the Ax coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Ax coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getCy()
Get the parametereziable function for the Cy coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Cy coefficient


public IParamDiffFunction getCz()
Get the parametereziable function for the Cz coefficient.

the parametereziable function for the Cz coefficient


public boolean computeGradientPosition()
This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to position have to be computed.

Specified by:
computeGradientPosition in interface GradientModel
true if the derivatives have to be computed, false otherwise


public boolean computeGradientVelocity()
This method returns true if the acceleration partial derivatives with respect to velocity have to be computed.

Specified by:
computeGradientVelocity in interface GradientModel
true if the derivatives have to be computed, false otherwise

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