Uses of Class

Packages that use VariableThrustManeuver

Uses of VariableThrustManeuver in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces.maneuvers

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.forces.maneuvers with parameters of type VariableThrustManeuver
 boolean ManeuversSequence.add(VariableThrustManeuver maneuver)
          Adds a continuous maneuver (with variable thrust) to the list.
Two scenarios are possible : the maneuver to add is triggered by a detector other than DateDetector, always add the maneuver; it means some overlapping may occur. the maneuver to add is triggered by a DateDetector, always check first if the time interval of the maneuver respects the two following conditions: no superposition with any maneuver in the list; the time between the end of the previous maneuver and the start of the maneuver to add, as well as the time between the end of the maneuver to add and the start of the next maneuver, must be bigger than the threshold value.
 boolean ManeuversSequence.remove(VariableThrustManeuver maneuver)
          Remove the selected continuous maneuver with variable thrust from the list.
If the maneuver is not in the list, it returns false.

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