Class PerigeeAltitudeDetector

  extended by
      extended by fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.PerigeeAltitudeDetector
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, EventDetector

public class PerigeeAltitudeDetector
extends AbstractDetector

Finder for satellite altitude crossing events in Semi-analytical theory.

This class finds altitude events (i.e. satellite crossing a predefined altitude level above ground). The altitude computed here is the one of the perigee

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when ascending and to stop propagation when descending. This can be changed by overriding the eventOccurred method in a derived class.

$Id: 17584 2017-05-10 13:26:39Z bignon $
Luc Maisonobe, Cedric Dental
See Also:
Propagator.addEventDetector(EventDetector), AltitudeDetector, Serialized Form
Concurrency :
conditionally thread-safe
Concurrency comment :
the OrbitNatureConverter attribute needs to be thread-safe

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn)
          Build a new altitude detector.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn)
          Build a new altitude detector.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn)
          Build a new altitude detector.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn, EventDetector.Action ascending, EventDetector.Action descending)
          Build a new altitude detector.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn, EventDetector.Action ascending, EventDetector.Action descending, boolean removeAscending, boolean removeDescending)
          Build a new altitude detector.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn, OrbitNatureConverter orbitConverterIn)
          Build a new altitude detector, with osculating perigee.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn, OrbitNatureConverter orbitConverterIn, EventDetector.Action ascending, EventDetector.Action descending)
          Build a new altitude detector, with osculating perigee.
PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck, double threshold, double altitudeIn, double earthRadiusIn, OrbitNatureConverter orbitConverterIn, EventDetector.Action ascending, EventDetector.Action descending, boolean removeAscending, boolean removeDescending)
          Build a new altitude detector, with osculating perigee.
Method Summary
 EventDetector.Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s, boolean increasing, boolean forward)
          Handle an altitude event and choose what to do next.
 double g(SpacecraftState s)
          Compute the value of the switching function.
 double getAltitude()
          Get the threshold altitude value.
 double getEarthRadius()
          Get the earth radius.
 boolean shouldBeRemoved()
          This method is called after EventDetector.eventOccurred(org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState, boolean, boolean) has been triggered.
Methods inherited from class
getMaxCheckInterval, getMaxIterationCount, getSlopeSelection, getThreshold, init, resetState
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn)
Build a new altitude detector.

This simple constructor takes default values for maximal checking interval (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_MAXCHECK) and convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

altitudeIn - threshold altitude value
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn)
Build a new altitude detector.

This simple constructor takes default value for convergence threshold (AbstractDetector.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD).

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double threshold,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn)
Build a new altitude detector.

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when ascending and to stop propagation when descending.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double threshold,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn,
                               EventDetector.Action ascending,
                               EventDetector.Action descending)
Build a new altitude detector.

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
ascending - action performed when ascending
descending - action performed when descending


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double threshold,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn,
                               EventDetector.Action ascending,
                               EventDetector.Action descending,
                               boolean removeAscending,
                               boolean removeDescending)
Build a new altitude detector.

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
ascending - action performed when ascending
descending - action performed when descending
removeAscending - true if detector should be removed when ascending
removeDescending - true if detector should be removed when descending


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double threshold,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn,
                               OrbitNatureConverter orbitConverterIn)
Build a new altitude detector, with osculating perigee.

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

The default implementation behavior is to continue propagation when ascending and to stop propagation when descending.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
orbitConverterIn - orbit convertor to be used when computing perigee altitude


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double threshold,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn,
                               OrbitNatureConverter orbitConverterIn,
                               EventDetector.Action ascending,
                               EventDetector.Action descending)
Build a new altitude detector, with osculating perigee.

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - Earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
orbitConverterIn - orbit convertor to be used when computing perigee altitude
ascending - action performed when ascending
descending - action performed when descending


public PerigeeAltitudeDetector(double maxCheck,
                               double threshold,
                               double altitudeIn,
                               double earthRadiusIn,
                               OrbitNatureConverter orbitConverterIn,
                               EventDetector.Action ascending,
                               EventDetector.Action descending,
                               boolean removeAscending,
                               boolean removeDescending)
Build a new altitude detector, with osculating perigee.

The maximal interval between altitude checks should be smaller than the half duration of the minimal pass to handle, otherwise some short passes could be missed.

maxCheck - maximal checking interval (s)
threshold - convergence threshold (s)
altitudeIn - threshold altitude value (m)
earthRadiusIn - earth Radius (m) with respect to which altitude should be evaluated
orbitConverterIn - orbit convertor to be used when computing perigee altitude
ascending - action performed when ascending
descending - action performed when descending
removeAscending - true if detector should be removed when ascending
removeDescending - true if detector should be removed when descending
Method Detail


public double getAltitude()
Get the threshold altitude value.

the threshold altitude value (m)


public double getEarthRadius()
Get the earth radius.

the body shape


public EventDetector.Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s,
                                          boolean increasing,
                                          boolean forward)
                                   throws OrekitException
Handle an altitude event and choose what to do next.

The perigee Altitude is computed using IERS92 value for Earth Equatorial Radius.

Specified by:
eventOccurred in interface EventDetector
Specified by:
eventOccurred in class AbstractDetector
s - the current state information : date, kinematics, attitude
increasing - if true, the value of the switching function increases when times increases around event
forward - if true, the integration variable (time) increases during integration.
stop or continue
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs


public boolean shouldBeRemoved()
This method is called after EventDetector.eventOccurred(org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState, boolean, boolean) has been triggered. It returns true if the current detector should be removed after first event detection. WARNING: this method can be called only once a event has been triggered. Before, the value is not available.

Specified by:
shouldBeRemoved in interface EventDetector
Specified by:
shouldBeRemoved in class AbstractDetector
true if the current detector should be removed after first event detection


public double g(SpacecraftState s)
         throws OrekitException
Compute the value of the switching function. This function measures the difference between the perigee altitude and the threshold altitude.

Specified by:
g in interface EventDetector
Specified by:
g in class AbstractDetector
s - the current state information: date, kinematics, attitude
value of the switching function
OrekitException - if some specific error occurs

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