Class StelaGTOPropagator

  extended by fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.propagation.StelaAbstractPropagator
      extended by fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.propagation.StelaGTOPropagator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Propagator, PVCoordinatesProvider

public class StelaGTOPropagator
extends StelaAbstractPropagator

STELA propagator for Geostationnary Transfert Orbits (GTO).

$Id: 17584 2017-05-10 13:26:39Z bignon $
Tiziana Sabatini, Cedric Dental
See Also:
Serialized Form
Concurrency :
not thread-safe
Concurrency comment :
use of mutable attributes

Field Summary
protected  AbsoluteDate maxDate
          Max date after which simulation has to fail if exception mecanism was triggered
protected  int stepCounter
          Step counter for drag computation.
protected  boolean wasException
          Was the exception mecanism triggered already
Fields inherited from class fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.propagation.StelaAbstractPropagator
attitudeProviderByDefault, attitudeProviderEvents, attitudeProviderForces, eventsStates, integrator, oldStepHandler
Fields inherited from interface org.orekit.propagation.Propagator
Constructor Summary
StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr)
          Build a StelaGTOPropagator.
StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr, AttitudeProvider inAttitudeProviderForces, AttitudeProvider inAttitudeProviderEvents, StelaBasicInterpolator inInter, double maxShiftIn, double minStepSizeIn)
          Build a StelaGTOPropagator.
StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr, AttitudeProvider inAttitudeProvider, StelaBasicInterpolator inInter, double maxShiftIn, double minStepSizeIn)
          Build a StelaGTOPropagator.
StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr, double maxShiftIn, double minStepSizeIn)
          Build a StelaGTOPropagator.
Method Summary
 void addAdditionalEquations(StelaAdditionalEquations addEquations)
          Add a set of user-specified additional equations to be integrated along with the orbit propagation.
 void addAttitudeEquation(StelaAttitudeAdditionalEquations addEqu)
          Add a set of user-specified attitude equations to be integrated along with the orbit propagation.
 void addForceModel(StelaForceModel forceModel)
          Add a force model to the global perturbation model.
 List<StelaAdditionalEquations> getAddEquations()
          Get the additional equations.
protected  double[] getdDragdt()
          Method that returns the drag value in memory, only used for n steps drag computation purposes
 List<StelaForceModel> getForceModels()
          Get perturbing force models list.
 ForcesStepHandler getForcesStepHandler()
          Getter for forces step handler.
 List<AbstractStelaGaussContribution> getGaussForceModels()
          Get perturbing Gauss force models list.
 List<AbstractStelaLagrangeContribution> getLagrangeForceModels()
          Get perturbing Lagrange force models list.
protected  double getMass(AbsoluteDate date)
          Get the mass.
 OrbitNatureConverter getOrbitNatureConverter()
          Get the mean/osculating orbit converter.
 AbsoluteDate getReferenceDate()
          Get the reference date
protected  List<OrekitStepHandler> getStepHandlers()
          Provides a list of step handlers to be performed during propagation.
protected  boolean isRecomputeDrag()
 SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate start, AbsoluteDate target)
          Propagate from a start date towards a target date.
protected  SpacecraftState propagateSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
          Extrapolate a spacecraftState up to a specific target date.
 SpacecraftState propagationManagement(SpacecraftState state, double stepSize, double dt, AbsoluteDate target)
          Manages the current step, method to override when user wants to deal with exceptions during the propagation.
 void removeForceModels()
          Remove all perturbing force models from the global perturbation model.
 void setAttitudeProvider(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
          Set attitude provider for forces and events computation.
 void setAttitudeProviderEvents(AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider)
          Set attitude provider for events computation.
 void setAttitudeProviderForces(AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider)
          Set attitude provider for forces computation.
protected  void setdDragdt(double[] indDragdt)
          Specify the drag values, only used for n steps drag computation purposes
 void setInitialState(SpacecraftState initialState, double massIn, boolean isOsculatingIn)
          Set the initial state.
Methods inherited from class fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.propagation.StelaAbstractPropagator
acceptStep, addAdditionalStateProvider, addEventDetector, basicPropagate, clearEventsDetectors, getAttitudeProvider, getAttitudeProviderEvents, getAttitudeProviderForces, getEventsDetectors, getFrame, getGeneratedEphemeris, getInitialState, getMode, getPVCoordinates, getPvProvider, getTimeDerivativesList, goAhead, isStoreTimeDerivatives, propagate, resetInitialState, setEphemerisMode, setIntegrator, setMasterMode, setMasterMode, setOrbitFrame, setSlaveMode, setStartDate, setStoreTimeDerivatives
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean wasException
Was the exception mecanism triggered already


protected AbsoluteDate maxDate
Max date after which simulation has to fail if exception mecanism was triggered


protected int stepCounter
Step counter for drag computation.

Constructor Detail


public StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr)
                   throws OrekitException
Build a StelaGTOPropagator.

After creation, there is no orbit, method setInitialState must be called. This constructor uses a Default Law as AttitudeProvider. For a specific Attitude Provider please use the other constructor. After creation, there are no perturbing forces at all. This means that if addForceModel is not called after creation, the integrated orbit will follow a simple Keplerian evolution.

During reentry, no correction is performed if some results are not physical. As a result, an exception will be thrown if obtained results are not physical.

integr - the first order integrator to use for extrapolation
OrekitException - exception in reset initial state


public StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr,
                          double maxShiftIn,
                          double minStepSizeIn)
                   throws OrekitException
Build a StelaGTOPropagator.

After creation, there is no orbit, method setInitialState must be called. This constructor uses a the AttitudeProvider given by the user. After creation, there are no perturbing forces at all. This means that if addForceModel is not called after creation, the integrated orbit will follow a simple Keplerian evolution.

No attitude provider is defined. The user should call setAttitudeProvider(AttitudeProvider) or setAttitudeProviderEvents(AttitudeProvider) or setAttitudeProviderForces(AttitudeProvider)

integr - the first order integrator to use for extrapolation
maxShiftIn - Maximum number of integration steps STELA will try to correct to get some physical results (mostly during reentry since integration step is too large). If 0, not correction is performed. If more corrections are required, an exception will be thrown
minStepSizeIn - Smallest integration stepsize allowed. STELA will try to reduce stepsize during reentry to try to get some physical results. If equals to integrator step size, not correction is done. If a smaller stepsize than provided value is required, an exception will be thrown
OrekitException - exception in reset initial state


public StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr,
                          AttitudeProvider inAttitudeProvider,
                          StelaBasicInterpolator inInter,
                          double maxShiftIn,
                          double minStepSizeIn)
                   throws OrekitException
Build a StelaGTOPropagator.

After creation, there is no orbit, method setInitialState must be called. This constructor uses a single AttitudeProvider given by the user. After creation, there are no perturbing forces at all. This means that if addForceModel is not called after creation, the integrated orbit will follow a simple Keplerian evolution.

integr - the first order integrator to use for extrapolation
inAttitudeProvider - attitude provider
inInter - the interpolator
maxShiftIn - Maximum number of integration steps STELA will try to correct to get some physical results (mostly during reentry since integration step is too large). If 0, not correction is performed. If more corrections are required, an exception will be thrown
minStepSizeIn - Smallest integration stepsize allowed. STELA will try to reduce stepsize during reentry to try to get some physical results. If equals to integrator step size, not correction is done. If a smaller stepsize than provided value is required, an exception will be thrown
OrekitException - exception in reset initial state


public StelaGTOPropagator(FirstOrderIntegrator integr,
                          AttitudeProvider inAttitudeProviderForces,
                          AttitudeProvider inAttitudeProviderEvents,
                          StelaBasicInterpolator inInter,
                          double maxShiftIn,
                          double minStepSizeIn)
                   throws OrekitException
Build a StelaGTOPropagator.

After creation, there is no orbit, method setInitialState must be called. This constructor uses AttitudeProvider for forces and events computations given by the user. After creation, there are no perturbing forces at all. This means that if addForceModel is not called after creation, the integrated orbit will follow a simple Keplerian evolution.

integr - the first order integrator to use for extrapolation
inAttitudeProviderForces - attitude provider for forces computation
inAttitudeProviderEvents - attitude provider for events computation
inInter - the interpolator
maxShiftIn - Maximum number of integration steps STELA will try to correct to get some physical results (mostly during reentry since integration step is too large). If 0, not correction is performed. If more corrections are required, an exception will be thrown
minStepSizeIn - Smallest integration stepsize allowed. STELA will try to reduce stepsize during reentry to try to get some physical results. If equals to integrator step size, not correction is done. If a smaller stepsize than provided value is required, an exception will be thrown
OrekitException - exception in reset initial state
Method Detail


protected boolean isRecomputeDrag()
the recomputeDrag


public void setInitialState(SpacecraftState initialState,
                            double massIn,
                            boolean isOsculatingIn)
                     throws OrekitException
Set the initial state.

initialState - initial state (no mass information should be provided)
massIn - the initial mass
isOsculatingIn - true if initial state is osculating
OrekitException - OrekitException
See Also:


public void addForceModel(StelaForceModel forceModel)
Add a force model to the global perturbation model.

If this method is not called at all, the integrated orbit will follow a simple keplerian evolution.

forceModel - perturbing StelaForceModel to add
See Also:


public void removeForceModels()
Remove all perturbing force models from the global perturbation model.

Once all perturbing forces have been removed (and as long as no new force model is added), the integrated orbit will follow a simple keplerian evolution.

See Also:


public List<StelaForceModel> getForceModels()
Get perturbing force models list.

list of all perturbing force models
See Also:
addForceModel(StelaForceModel), removeForceModels()


public List<AbstractStelaGaussContribution> getGaussForceModels()
Get perturbing Gauss force models list.

list of Gauss perturbing force models
See Also:
addForceModel(StelaForceModel), removeForceModels()


public List<AbstractStelaLagrangeContribution> getLagrangeForceModels()
Get perturbing Lagrange force models list.

list of Lagrange perturbing force models
See Also:
addForceModel(StelaForceModel), removeForceModels()


public void addAdditionalEquations(StelaAdditionalEquations addEquations)
Add a set of user-specified additional equations to be integrated along with the orbit propagation.

addEquations - additional equations
See Also:


public void addAttitudeEquation(StelaAttitudeAdditionalEquations addEqu)
Add a set of user-specified attitude equations to be integrated along with the orbit propagation. If the set of attitude equations is already registered for the current attitude, it is replaced by the new one.

addEqu - attitude additional equations for Stela GTO propagator


public void setAttitudeProvider(AttitudeProvider attitudeProvider)
Set attitude provider for forces and events computation. A default attitude provider is available in ConstantAttitudeLaw.

Specified by:
setAttitudeProvider in interface Propagator
setAttitudeProvider in class StelaAbstractPropagator
attitudeProvider - attitude provider


public void setAttitudeProviderForces(AttitudeProvider attitudeForcesProvider)
Set attitude provider for forces computation. A default attitude provider is available in ConstantAttitudeLaw.

Specified by:
setAttitudeProviderForces in interface Propagator
setAttitudeProviderForces in class StelaAbstractPropagator
attitudeForcesProvider - attitude provider for forces computation


public void setAttitudeProviderEvents(AttitudeProvider attitudeEventsProvider)
Set attitude provider for events computation. A default attitude provider is available in ConstantAttitudeLaw.

Specified by:
setAttitudeProviderEvents in interface Propagator
setAttitudeProviderEvents in class StelaAbstractPropagator
attitudeEventsProvider - attitude provider for events computation


public SpacecraftState propagate(AbsoluteDate start,
                                 AbsoluteDate target)
                          throws PropagationException
Description copied from class: StelaAbstractPropagator
Propagate from a start date towards a target date.

Those propagators use a start date and a target date to compute the propagated state. For propagators using event detection mechanism, if the provided start date is different from the initial state date, a first, simple propagation is performed, without processing any event computation. Then complete propagation is performed from start date to target date.

Specified by:
propagate in interface Propagator
propagate in class StelaAbstractPropagator
start - start date from which orbit state should be propagated
target - target date to which orbit state should be propagated
propagated state
PropagationException - if state cannot be propagated


protected List<OrekitStepHandler> getStepHandlers()
Description copied from class: StelaAbstractPropagator
Provides a list of step handlers to be performed during propagation.

Specified by:
getStepHandlers in class StelaAbstractPropagator
propagation list of step handlers.


protected SpacecraftState propagateSpacecraftState(AbsoluteDate date)
                                            throws OrekitException
Description copied from class: StelaAbstractPropagator
Extrapolate a spacecraftState up to a specific target date.

Specified by:
propagateSpacecraftState in class StelaAbstractPropagator
date - target date for the orbit
extrapolated parameters
OrekitException - * if some parameters are out of bounds


public SpacecraftState propagationManagement(SpacecraftState state,
                                             double stepSize,
                                             double dt,
                                             AbsoluteDate target)
                                      throws OrekitException
Description copied from class: StelaAbstractPropagator
Manages the current step, method to override when user wants to deal with exceptions during the propagation.

propagationManagement in class StelaAbstractPropagator
state - the current SpacecraftState
stepSize - the current stepsize
dt - the dt time
target - target date to propagate
finalState the final spacecraft state
OrekitException - Orekit exception


protected double getMass(AbsoluteDate date)
                  throws PropagationException
Description copied from class: StelaAbstractPropagator
Get the mass.

Specified by:
getMass in class StelaAbstractPropagator
date - target date for the orbit
mass mass
PropagationException - if some parameters are out of bounds


public AbsoluteDate getReferenceDate()
Get the reference date

the reference date.


public List<StelaAdditionalEquations> getAddEquations()
Get the additional equations.

the additional equations.


public OrbitNatureConverter getOrbitNatureConverter()
Get the mean/osculating orbit converter.

the mean/osculating orbit converter.


protected void setdDragdt(double[] indDragdt)
Specify the drag values, only used for n steps drag computation purposes

indDragdt - the drag values to set


protected double[] getdDragdt()
Method that returns the drag value in memory, only used for n steps drag computation purposes

the dDragdt


public ForcesStepHandler getForcesStepHandler()
Getter for forces step handler.

forces step handler

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