Uses of Class

Packages that use EphemerisComparatorException   

Uses of EphemerisComparatorException in

Methods in that throw EphemerisComparatorException
 boolean EphemerisComparator.compareFiles(URI setupFileURI, URI firstDataFileURI, URI secondDataFileURI)
          Uses the ephemeris comparison library to load the data contained in the file, compute the comparisons between the two files and with thresholds
 boolean EphemerisComparator.compareFilesWithReport(URI setupFileURI, URI firstDataFileURI, URI secondDataFileURI, URI outputDirURI, URI xslFileURI)
          Uses the ephemeris comparison library to load the data contained in the file, compute the comparisons between the two files and with thresholds, and produce a report of the comparison.
 BufferedReader AbstractDataLoader.getStream(File ephemerisFile)
          Produces a BufferedReader from a File object.
 BufferedReader AbstractDataLoader.getStream(URL url)
          Produces a BufferedReader from a url to a text file.
 void EphemerisComparator.produceReport(URI setupFileURI, URI firstDataFileURI, URI secondDataFileURI, URI outputDirURI, URI xslFileURI)
          Produce the report if all the data have been computed above

Constructors in that throw EphemerisComparatorException
Report(Setup resource, ComparisonData dataA, ComparisonData dataR, ThresholdsData th, URI fr, URI f1, URI f2, URI dir, URI xsl)

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