Class ResultsFileWriter

  extended by fr.cnes.sirius.validate.files.ResultsFileWriter

public final class ResultsFileWriter
extends Object

This class offers different functions to write results in output files for different purposes :

  • plot a 2D graphics under excel or scilab
  • using VTS visualization tool

    $Id: 17578 2017-05-10 12:20:20Z bignon $

    Method Summary
    static void writeLoggedEventsToVTS(String thematic, String useCase, String comment, String eventType, List<EventsLogger.LoggedEvent> results)
              Method to write a visualisation tool VTS MEM file.
    static void writeResultsToPlot(String thematic, String fileName, List<double[]> results)
              Method to write results given as an array of double of any size in organized directory.
    static void writeResultsToVTS(String thematic, String useCase, String orbitComment, String attitudeComment, List<SpacecraftState> results)
              Method to write the attitudes and positions files used by VTS visualization tool.
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Method Detail


    public static void writeResultsToPlot(String thematic,
                                          String fileName,
                                          List<double[]> results)
                                   throws IOException
    Method to write results given as an array of double of any size in organized directory. This file can then be exploited under excel or scilab to plot pieces of data. The directory place used is based on maven environment or on %TEMP% directory

    thematic - the thematic domain used as a directory to write files into
    fileName - the name of the output file
    results - array of double to write
    IOException - if filename contains fileseparator


    public static void writeResultsToVTS(String thematic,
                                         String useCase,
                                         String orbitComment,
                                         String attitudeComment,
                                         List<SpacecraftState> results)
                                  throws OrekitException,
    Method to write the attitudes and positions files used by VTS visualization tool.

    thematic - used to create a specific directory to write files
    useCase - used to create a sub directory for the specific test of the thematic
    orbitComment - used to comment the positions file to describe how these positions have been computed. For example : low orbit sun synchronous...
    attitudeComment - used to comment the attitude file to describe how attitude have been computed. For example : sun pointing law
    results - a list a spacecraft state (the step can be variable but should be less than 180 s) used to extract positions and attitudes
    OrekitException - if some errors occurs for example in frame transformation
    IOException - if filename contains fileseparator


    public static void writeLoggedEventsToVTS(String thematic,
                                              String useCase,
                                              String comment,
                                              String eventType,
                                              List<EventsLogger.LoggedEvent> results)
                                       throws OrekitException,
    Method to write a visualisation tool VTS MEM file. This MEM file is used to write detected events to be plot in the VTS time line.

    thematic - used to create a specific directory to write files
    useCase - used to create a sub directory for the specific test of the thematic
    comment - used to comment the MEM event file. For example : detects when elevation from toulouse is passing at 10 deg. 1 when going up. 0 when going down.
    eventType - the type of event writted. For example : ElevationEvent
    results - the detected events
    OrekitException - if problems occurs when writing in the buffer
    IOException - if the name of the filename contains file separator
    Preconditions :

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