Package org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function

The function package contains function objects that wrap the methods contained in Math, as well as common mathematical functions such as the gaussian and sinc functions.


Class Summary
Abs Absolute value function.
Acos Arc-cosine function.
Acosh Hyperbolic arc-cosine function.
Add Add the two operands.
Asin Arc-sine function.
Asinh Hyperbolic arc-sine function.
Atan Arc-tangent function.
Atan2 Arc-tangent function.
Atanh Hyperbolic arc-tangent function.
Cbrt Cube root function.
Ceil ceil function.
Constant Constant function.
Cos Cosine function.
Cosh Hyperbolic cosine function.
Divide Divide the first operand by the second.
Exp Exponential function.
Expm1 ex-1 function.
Floor floor function.
Gaussian Gaussian function.
Gaussian.Parametric Parametric function where the input array contains the parameters of the Gaussian, ordered as follows: Norm Mean Standard deviation
HarmonicOscillator simple harmonic oscillator function.
HarmonicOscillator.Parametric Parametric function where the input array contains the parameters of the harmonic oscillator function, ordered as follows: Amplitude Angular frequency Phase
Identity Identity function.
Inverse Inverse function.
Log Natural logarithm function.
Log10 Base 10 logarithm function.
Log1p log(1 + p) function.
Logistic Generalised logistic function.
Logistic.Parametric Parametric function where the input array contains the parameters of the logit function, ordered as follows: Lower asymptote Higher asymptote
Logit Logit function.
Logit.Parametric Parametric function where the input array contains the parameters of the logit function, ordered as follows: Lower bound Higher bound
Max Maximum function.
Min Minimum function.
Minus Minus function.
Multiply Multiply the two operands.
Pow Power function.
Power Power function.
Rint rint function.
Sigmoid Sigmoid function.
Sigmoid.Parametric Parametric function where the input array contains the parameters of the logit function, ordered as follows: Lower asymptote Higher asymptote
Signum signum function.
Sin Sine function.
Sinc Sinc function, defined by
Sinh Hyperbolic sine function.
Sqrt Square-root function.
StepFunction Step function.
Subtract Subtract the second operand from the first.
Tan Tangent function.
Tanh Hyperbolic tangent function.
Ulp ulp function.

Package org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function Description

The function package contains function objects that wrap the methods contained in Math, as well as common mathematical functions such as the gaussian and sinc functions.

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