Uses of Interface

Packages that use UnivariateInterpolator
org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation Univariate real functions interpolation algorithms. 

Uses of UnivariateInterpolator in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation that implement UnivariateInterpolator
 class DividedDifferenceInterpolator
          Implements the Divided Difference Algorithm for interpolation of real univariate functions.
 class LinearInterpolator
          Implements a linear function for interpolation of real univariate functions.
 class LoessInterpolator
          Implements the Local Regression Algorithm (also Loess, Lowess) for interpolation of real univariate functions.
 class NevilleInterpolator
          Implements the Neville's Algorithm for interpolation of real univariate functions.
 class SplineInterpolator
          Computes a natural (also known as "free", "unclamped") cubic spline interpolation for the data set.
 class UniLinearIntervalsInterpolator
          Class representing a univariate function for linear interpolation in dimension 1.
 class UnivariatePeriodicInterpolator
          Adapter for classes implementing the UnivariateInterpolator interface.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation with parameters of type UnivariateInterpolator
UnivariatePeriodicInterpolator(UnivariateInterpolator interpolator, double period)
          Builds an interpolator.
UnivariatePeriodicInterpolator(UnivariateInterpolator interpolator, double period, int extend)
          Builds an interpolator.

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