Uses of Class

Packages that use Complex
org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers Root finding algorithms, for univariate real functions. 
org.apache.commons.math3.complex Complex number type and implementations of complex transcendental functions. 
org.apache.commons.math3.transform Implementations of transform methods, including Fast Fourier transforms. 

Uses of Complex in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.radiation

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.radiation that return Complex
protected  Complex[] SRPSquaring.solveBiquadratic(double c4, double c2, double c0)
          Solves the equation c4x4 + c2x2 + c0 = 0.
protected  Complex[] SRPSquaring.solvePolyDeg2(Complex c2, Complex c1, Complex c0)
          Solves the complex equation c2x2 + c1x + c0 = 0.
protected  Complex[] SRPSquaring.solvePolyDeg3(double c3, double c2, double c1, double c0)
          Solves the equation c3x3 + c2x2 + c1x + c0 = 0.
protected  Complex[] SRPSquaring.solvePolyDeg4(double c4, double c3, double c2, double c1, double c0)
          Solves the equation c4x4 + c3x3 + c2x2 + c1x + c0 = 0.

Methods in fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.stela.forces.radiation with parameters of type Complex
protected  double[] SRPSquaring.rootsFiltering(Complex[] roots)
          Filtering of computed roots.
protected  Complex[] SRPSquaring.solvePolyDeg2(Complex c2, Complex c1, Complex c0)
          Solves the complex equation c2x2 + c1x + c0 = 0.

Uses of Complex in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers that return Complex
 Complex[] LaguerreSolver.solveAllComplex(double[] coefficients, double initial)
          Find all complex roots for the polynomial with the given coefficients, starting from the given initial value.
 Complex LaguerreSolver.solveComplex(double[] coefficients, double initial)
          Find a complex root for the polynomial with the given coefficients, starting from the given initial value.

Uses of Complex in org.apache.commons.math3.complex

Fields in org.apache.commons.math3.complex declared as Complex
static Complex Complex.I
          The square root of -1.
static Complex Complex.INF
          A complex number representing "+INF + INFi"
static Complex Complex.NaN
          A complex number representing "NaN + NaNi"
static Complex Complex.ONE
          A complex number representing "1.0 + 0.0i"
static Complex Complex.ZERO
          A complex number representing "0.0 + 0.0i"

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.complex that return Complex
 Complex Complex.acos()
          Compute the inverse cosine of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.add(Complex addend)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this + addend).
 Complex Complex.add(double addend)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this + addend), with addend interpreted as a real number.
 Complex Complex.asin()
          Compute the inverse sine of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.atan()
          Compute the inverse tangent of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.conjugate()
          Return the conjugate of this complex number.
static Complex[] ComplexUtils.convertToComplex(double[] real)
          Convert an array of primitive doubles to an array of Complex objects.
 Complex Complex.cos()
          Compute the cosine of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.cosh()
          Compute the hyperbolic cosine of this complex number.
protected  Complex Complex.createComplex(double realPart, double imaginaryPart)
          Create a complex number given the real and imaginary parts.
 Complex Complex.divide(Complex divisor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this / divisor).
 Complex Complex.divide(double divisor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this / divisor), with divisor interpreted as a real number.
 Complex Complex.exp()
          Compute the exponential function of this complex number.
 Complex ComplexField.getOne()
          Get the multiplicative identity of the field.
 Complex ComplexField.getZero()
          Get the additive identity of the field.
 Complex Complex.log()
          Compute the natural logarithm of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.multiply(Complex factor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is this * factor.
 Complex Complex.multiply(double factor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is this * factor, with factor interpreted as a real number.
 Complex Complex.multiply(int factor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is this * factor, with factor interpreted as a integer number.
 Complex Complex.negate()
          Returns a Complex whose value is (-this).
 Complex ComplexFormat.parse(String source)
          Parses a string to produce a Complex object.
 Complex ComplexFormat.parse(String source, ParsePosition pos)
          Parses a string to produce a Complex object.
static Complex ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(double r, double theta)
          Creates a complex number from the given polar representation.
 Complex Complex.pow(Complex x)
          Returns of value of this complex number raised to the power of x.
 Complex Complex.pow(double x)
          Returns of value of this complex number raised to the power of x.
 Complex Complex.reciprocal()
          Returns the multiplicative inverse of this element.
 Complex Complex.sin()
          Compute the sine of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.sinh()
          Compute the hyperbolic sine of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.sqrt()
          Compute the square root of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.sqrt1z()
          Compute the square root of 1 - this2 for this complex number.
 Complex Complex.subtract(Complex subtrahend)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this - subtrahend).
 Complex Complex.subtract(double subtrahend)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this - subtrahend).
 Complex Complex.tan()
          Compute the tangent of this complex number.
 Complex Complex.tanh()
          Compute the hyperbolic tangent of this complex number.
static Complex Complex.valueOf(double realPart)
          Create a complex number given only the real part.
static Complex Complex.valueOf(double realPart, double imaginaryPart)
          Create a complex number given the real and imaginary parts.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.complex that return types with arguments of type Complex
 Class<? extends FieldElement<Complex>> ComplexField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.
 List<Complex> Complex.nthRoot(int n)
          Computes the n-th roots of this complex number.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.complex with parameters of type Complex
 Complex Complex.add(Complex addend)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this + addend).
 Complex Complex.divide(Complex divisor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this / divisor).
 String ComplexFormat.format(Complex c)
          This method calls ComplexFormat.format(Object,StringBuffer,FieldPosition).
 StringBuffer ComplexFormat.format(Complex complex, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos)
          Formats a Complex object to produce a string.
 Complex Complex.multiply(Complex factor)
          Returns a Complex whose value is this * factor.
 Complex Complex.pow(Complex x)
          Returns of value of this complex number raised to the power of x.
 Complex Complex.subtract(Complex subtrahend)
          Returns a Complex whose value is (this - subtrahend).

Uses of Complex in org.apache.commons.math3.transform

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.transform that return Complex
static Complex[] TransformUtils.createComplexArray(double[][] dataRI)
          Builds a new array of Complex from the specified two dimensional array of real and imaginary parts.
static Complex[] TransformUtils.scaleArray(Complex[] f, double d)
          Multiply every component in the given complex array by the given real number.
 Complex[] FastFourierTransformer.transform(Complex[] f, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified complex data set.
 Complex[] IFastFourierTransformer.transform(Complex[] f, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified complex data set.
 Complex[] FastFourierTransformer.transform(double[] f, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real data set.
 Complex[] IFastFourierTransformer.transform(double[] f, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real data set.
 Complex[] AbstractFastFourierTransformer.transform(UnivariateFunction f, double min, double max, int n, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real function, sampled on the specified interval.
 Complex[] IFastFourierTransformer.transform(UnivariateFunction f, double min, double max, int n, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified real function, sampled on the specified interval.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.transform with parameters of type Complex
static double[][] TransformUtils.createRealImaginaryArray(Complex[] dataC)
          Builds a new two dimensional array of double filled with the real and imaginary parts of the specified Complex numbers.
static Complex[] TransformUtils.scaleArray(Complex[] f, double d)
          Multiply every component in the given complex array by the given real number.
 Complex[] FastFourierTransformer.transform(Complex[] f, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified complex data set.
 Complex[] IFastFourierTransformer.transform(Complex[] f, TransformType type)
          Returns the (forward, inverse) transform of the specified complex data set.

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