Uses of Class

Packages that use Dfp
org.apache.commons.math3.dfp Decimal floating point library for Java 

Uses of Dfp in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp

Subclasses of Dfp in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp
 class DfpDec
          Subclass of Dfp which hides the radix-10000 artifacts of the superclass.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp that return Dfp
 Dfp Dfp.abs()
          Get the absolute value of instance.
static Dfp DfpMath.acos(Dfp a)
          computes the arc-cosine of the argument.
 Dfp Dfp.add(Dfp x)
          Add x to this.
static Dfp DfpMath.asin(Dfp a)
          computes the arc-sine of the argument.
static Dfp DfpMath.atan(Dfp a)
          computes the arc tangent of the argument Uses the typical taylor series but may reduce arguments using the following identity tan(x+y) = (tan(x) + tan(y)) / (1 - tan(x)*tan(y)) since tan(PI/8) = sqrt(2)-1, atan(x) = atan( (x - sqrt(2) + 1) / (1+x*sqrt(2) - x) + PI/8.0
protected static Dfp DfpMath.atanInternal(Dfp a)
          computes the arc-tangent of the argument.
 Dfp Dfp.ceil()
          Round to an integer using the round ceil mode.
static Dfp DfpField.computeExp(Dfp a, Dfp one)
          Compute exp(a).
static Dfp DfpField.computeLn(Dfp a, Dfp one, Dfp two)
          Compute ln(a).
static Dfp Dfp.copysign(Dfp x, Dfp y)
          Creates an instance that is the same as x except that it has the sign of y.
static Dfp DfpMath.cos(Dfp a)
          computes the cosine of the argument.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.cosInternal(Dfp[] a)
          Computes cos(a) Used when 0 < a < pi/4.
 Dfp Dfp.divide(Dfp divisor)
          Divide this by divisor.
 Dfp Dfp.divide(int divisor)
          Divide by a single digit less than radix.
 Dfp Dfp.dotrap(int type, String what, Dfp oper, Dfp result)
          Raises a trap.
static Dfp DfpMath.exp(Dfp a)
          Computes e to the given power.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.expInternal(Dfp a)
          Computes e to the given power.
 Dfp Dfp.floor()
          Round to an integer using the round floor mode.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.getAbsoluteAccuracy()
          Get the absolute accuracy.
 Dfp DfpField.getE()
          Get the constant e.
 Dfp[] DfpField.getESplit()
          Get the constant e split in two pieces.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.getFunctionValueAccuracy()
          Get the function accuracy.
 Dfp DfpField.getLn10()
          Get the constant ln(10).
 Dfp DfpField.getLn2()
          Get the constant ln(2).
 Dfp[] DfpField.getLn2Split()
          Get the constant ln(2) split in two pieces.
 Dfp DfpField.getLn5()
          Get the constant ln(5).
 Dfp[] DfpField.getLn5Split()
          Get the constant ln(5) split in two pieces.
 Dfp Dfp.getOne()
          Get the constant 1.
 Dfp DfpField.getOne()
          Get the constant 1.
 Dfp DfpField.getPi()
          Get the constant π.
 Dfp[] DfpField.getPiSplit()
          Get the constant π split in two pieces.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.getRelativeAccuracy()
          Get the relative accuracy.
 Dfp DfpField.getSqr2()
          Get the constant √2.
 Dfp DfpField.getSqr2Reciprocal()
          Get the constant √2 / 2.
 Dfp[] DfpField.getSqr2Split()
          Get the constant √2 split in two pieces.
 Dfp DfpField.getSqr3()
          Get the constant √3.
 Dfp DfpField.getSqr3Reciprocal()
          Get the constant √3 / 3.
 Dfp Dfp.getTwo()
          Get the constant 2.
 Dfp DfpField.getTwo()
          Get the constant 2.
 Dfp Dfp.getZero()
          Get the constant 0.
 Dfp DfpField.getZero()
          Get the constant 0.
static Dfp DfpMath.log(Dfp a)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.logInternal(Dfp[] a)
          Computes the natural log of a number between 0 and 2.
 Dfp Dfp.multiply(Dfp x)
          Multiply this by x.
 Dfp Dfp.multiply(int x)
          Multiply this by a single digit x.
 Dfp Dfp.negate()
          Returns a number that is this number with the sign bit reversed.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp()
          Makes a Dfp with a value of 0.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(byte x)
          Create an instance from a byte value.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(byte sign, byte nans)
          Creates a Dfp with a non-finite value.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(Dfp d)
          Copy constructor.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(double x)
          Create an instance from a double value.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(int x)
          Create an instance from an int value.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(long x)
          Create an instance from a long value.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(String s)
          Create a Dfp given a String representation.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance()
          Create an instance with a value of 0.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance()
          Create an instance with a value of 0.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(byte x)
          Create an instance from a byte value.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(byte x)
          Create an instance from a byte value.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(byte sign, byte nans)
          Creates an instance with a non-finite value.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(byte sig, byte code)
          Creates an instance with a non-finite value.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(Dfp d)
          Create an instance by copying an existing one.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(Dfp d)
          Create an instance by copying an existing one.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(double x)
          Create an instance from a double value.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(double x)
          Create an instance from a double value.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(int x)
          Create an instance from an int value.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(int x)
          Create an instance from an int value.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(long x)
          Create an instance from a long value.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(long x)
          Create an instance from a long value.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(String s)
          Create an instance from a String representation.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(String s)
          Create an instance from a String representation.
 Dfp DfpDec.nextAfter(Dfp x)
          Returns the next number greater than this one in the direction of x.
 Dfp Dfp.nextAfter(Dfp x)
          Returns the next number greater than this one in the direction of x.
static Dfp DfpMath.pow(Dfp x, Dfp y)
          Computes x to the y power.
static Dfp DfpMath.pow(Dfp base, int a)
          Raises base to the power a by successive squaring.
 Dfp Dfp.power10(int e)
          Return the specified power of 10.
 Dfp Dfp.power10K(int e)
          Get the specified power of 10000.
 Dfp Dfp.reciprocal()
          Returns the multiplicative inverse of this element.
 Dfp Dfp.remainder(Dfp d)
          Returns the IEEE remainder.
 Dfp Dfp.rint()
          Round to nearest integer using the round-half-even method.
static Dfp DfpMath.sin(Dfp a)
          computes the sine of the argument.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.sinInternal(Dfp[] a)
          Computes sin(a) Used when 0 < a < pi/4.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.solve(int maxEval, UnivariateDfpFunction f, Dfp min, Dfp max, AllowedSolution allowedSolution)
          Solve for a zero in the given interval.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.solve(int maxEval, UnivariateDfpFunction f, Dfp min, Dfp max, Dfp startValue, AllowedSolution allowedSolution)
          Solve for a zero in the given interval, start at startValue.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.split(Dfp a)
          Splits a Dfp into 2 Dfp's such that their sum is equal to the input Dfp.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.split(DfpField field, String a)
          Breaks a string representation up into two dfp's.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.splitDiv(Dfp[] a, Dfp[] b)
          Divide two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.splitMult(Dfp[] a, Dfp[] b)
          Multiply two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.splitPow(Dfp[] base, int a)
          Raise a split base to the a power.
 Dfp Dfp.sqrt()
          Compute the square root.
 Dfp Dfp.subtract(Dfp x)
          Subtract x from this.
static Dfp DfpMath.tan(Dfp a)
          computes the tangent of the argument.
protected  Dfp Dfp.trap(int type, String what, Dfp oper, Dfp def, Dfp result)
          Trap handler.
protected  Dfp Dfp.trunc(DfpField.RoundingMode rmode)
          Does the integer conversions with the specified rounding.
 Dfp UnivariateDfpFunction.value(Dfp x)
          Compute the value of the function.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp that return types with arguments of type Dfp
 Class<? extends FieldElement<Dfp>> DfpField.getRuntimeClass()
          Returns the runtime class of the FieldElement.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp with parameters of type Dfp
static Dfp DfpMath.acos(Dfp a)
          computes the arc-cosine of the argument.
 Dfp Dfp.add(Dfp x)
          Add x to this.
static Dfp DfpMath.asin(Dfp a)
          computes the arc-sine of the argument.
static Dfp DfpMath.atan(Dfp a)
          computes the arc tangent of the argument Uses the typical taylor series but may reduce arguments using the following identity tan(x+y) = (tan(x) + tan(y)) / (1 - tan(x)*tan(y)) since tan(PI/8) = sqrt(2)-1, atan(x) = atan( (x - sqrt(2) + 1) / (1+x*sqrt(2) - x) + PI/8.0
protected static Dfp DfpMath.atanInternal(Dfp a)
          computes the arc-tangent of the argument.
static Dfp DfpField.computeExp(Dfp a, Dfp one)
          Compute exp(a).
static Dfp DfpField.computeLn(Dfp a, Dfp one, Dfp two)
          Compute ln(a).
static Dfp Dfp.copysign(Dfp x, Dfp y)
          Creates an instance that is the same as x except that it has the sign of y.
static Dfp DfpMath.cos(Dfp a)
          computes the cosine of the argument.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.cosInternal(Dfp[] a)
          Computes cos(a) Used when 0 < a < pi/4.
 Dfp Dfp.divide(Dfp divisor)
          Divide this by divisor.
 Dfp Dfp.dotrap(int type, String what, Dfp oper, Dfp result)
          Raises a trap.
static Dfp DfpMath.exp(Dfp a)
          Computes e to the given power.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.expInternal(Dfp a)
          Computes e to the given power.
 boolean Dfp.greaterThan(Dfp x)
          Check if instance is greater than x.
 boolean Dfp.lessThan(Dfp x)
          Check if instance is less than x.
static Dfp DfpMath.log(Dfp a)
          Returns the natural logarithm of a.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.logInternal(Dfp[] a)
          Computes the natural log of a number between 0 and 2.
 Dfp Dfp.multiply(Dfp x)
          Multiply this by x.
 Dfp DfpField.newDfp(Dfp d)
          Copy constructor.
 Dfp DfpDec.newInstance(Dfp d)
          Create an instance by copying an existing one.
 Dfp Dfp.newInstance(Dfp d)
          Create an instance by copying an existing one.
 Dfp DfpDec.nextAfter(Dfp x)
          Returns the next number greater than this one in the direction of x.
 Dfp Dfp.nextAfter(Dfp x)
          Returns the next number greater than this one in the direction of x.
static Dfp DfpMath.pow(Dfp x, Dfp y)
          Computes x to the y power.
static Dfp DfpMath.pow(Dfp base, int a)
          Raises base to the power a by successive squaring.
 Dfp Dfp.remainder(Dfp d)
          Returns the IEEE remainder.
static Dfp DfpMath.sin(Dfp a)
          computes the sine of the argument.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.sinInternal(Dfp[] a)
          Computes sin(a) Used when 0 < a < pi/4.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.solve(int maxEval, UnivariateDfpFunction f, Dfp min, Dfp max, AllowedSolution allowedSolution)
          Solve for a zero in the given interval.
 Dfp BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP.solve(int maxEval, UnivariateDfpFunction f, Dfp min, Dfp max, Dfp startValue, AllowedSolution allowedSolution)
          Solve for a zero in the given interval, start at startValue.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.split(Dfp a)
          Splits a Dfp into 2 Dfp's such that their sum is equal to the input Dfp.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.splitDiv(Dfp[] a, Dfp[] b)
          Divide two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.splitDiv(Dfp[] a, Dfp[] b)
          Divide two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.splitMult(Dfp[] a, Dfp[] b)
          Multiply two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp[] DfpMath.splitMult(Dfp[] a, Dfp[] b)
          Multiply two numbers that are split in to two pieces that are meant to be added together.
protected static Dfp DfpMath.splitPow(Dfp[] base, int a)
          Raise a split base to the a power.
 Dfp Dfp.subtract(Dfp x)
          Subtract x from this.
static Dfp DfpMath.tan(Dfp a)
          computes the tangent of the argument.
protected  Dfp Dfp.trap(int type, String what, Dfp oper, Dfp def, Dfp result)
          Trap handler.
 boolean Dfp.unequal(Dfp x)
          Check if instance is not equal to x.
 Dfp UnivariateDfpFunction.value(Dfp x)
          Compute the value of the function.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.dfp with parameters of type Dfp
BracketingNthOrderBrentSolverDFP(Dfp relativeAccuracy, Dfp absoluteAccuracy, Dfp functionValueAccuracy, int maximalOrder)
          Construct a solver.
Dfp(Dfp d)
          Copy constructor.
DfpDec(Dfp d)
          Copy constructor.

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