Package org.apache.commons.math3.fraction

Fraction number type and fraction number formatting.


Class Summary
AbstractFormat Common part shared by both FractionFormat and BigFractionFormat.
BigFraction Representation of a rational number without any overflow.
BigFractionField Representation of the fractional numbers without any overflow field.
BigFractionFormat Formats a BigFraction number in proper format or improper format.
Fraction Representation of a rational number.
FractionField Representation of the fractional numbers field.
FractionFormat Formats a Fraction number in proper format or improper format.
ProperBigFractionFormat Formats a BigFraction number in proper format.
ProperFractionFormat Formats a Fraction number in proper format.

Exception Summary
FractionConversionException Error thrown when a double value cannot be converted to a fraction in the allowed number of iterations.

Package org.apache.commons.math3.fraction Description

Fraction number type and fraction number formatting.

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