Uses of Class

Packages that use Chromosome
org.apache.commons.math3.genetics This package provides Genetic Algorithms components and implementations. 

Uses of Chromosome in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics

Subclasses of Chromosome in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics
 class AbstractListChromosome<T>
          Chromosome represented by an immutable list of a fixed length.
 class BinaryChromosome
          Chromosome represented by a vector of 0s and 1s.
 class RandomKey<T>
          Random Key chromosome is used for permutation representation.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics that return Chromosome
protected  Chromosome Chromosome.findSameChromosome(Population population)
          Searches the population for another chromosome with the same representation.
 Chromosome ChromosomePair.getFirst()
          Access the first chromosome.
 Chromosome ListPopulation.getFittestChromosome()
          Access the fittest chromosome in this population.
 Chromosome Population.getFittestChromosome()
          Access the fittest chromosome in this population.
 Chromosome ChromosomePair.getSecond()
          Access the second chromosome.
 Chromosome RandomKeyMutation.mutate(Chromosome original)
          Mutate the given chromosome.
 Chromosome BinaryMutation.mutate(Chromosome original)
          Mutate the given chromosome.
 Chromosome MutationPolicy.mutate(Chromosome original)
          Mutate the given chromosome.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics that return types with arguments of type Chromosome
protected  List<Chromosome> ListPopulation.getChromosomeList()
          Access the list of chromosomes.
 List<Chromosome> ListPopulation.getChromosomes()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of the chromosomes in this population.
 Iterator<Chromosome> ListPopulation.iterator()
          Returns an iterator over the unmodifiable list of chromosomes.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics with parameters of type Chromosome
 void ListPopulation.addChromosome(Chromosome chromosome)
          Add the given chromosome to the population.
 void Population.addChromosome(Chromosome chromosome)
          Add the given chromosome to the population.
 int Chromosome.compareTo(Chromosome another)
          Compares two chromosomes based on their fitness.
 ChromosomePair CycleCrossover.crossover(Chromosome first, Chromosome second)
          Perform a crossover operation on the given chromosomes.
 ChromosomePair OrderedCrossover.crossover(Chromosome first, Chromosome second)
          Perform a crossover operation on the given chromosomes.
 ChromosomePair NPointCrossover.crossover(Chromosome first, Chromosome second)
          Performs a N-point crossover.
 ChromosomePair UniformCrossover.crossover(Chromosome first, Chromosome second)
          Perform a crossover operation on the given chromosomes.
 ChromosomePair CrossoverPolicy.crossover(Chromosome first, Chromosome second)
          Perform a crossover operation on the given chromosomes.
 ChromosomePair OnePointCrossover.crossover(Chromosome first, Chromosome second)
          Performs one point crossover.
protected  boolean RandomKey.isSame(Chromosome another)
          Returns true iff another is a RandomKey and encodes the same permutation.
protected  boolean Chromosome.isSame(Chromosome another)
          Returns true iff another has the same representation and therefore the same fitness.
protected  boolean BinaryChromosome.isSame(Chromosome another)
 Chromosome RandomKeyMutation.mutate(Chromosome original)
          Mutate the given chromosome.
 Chromosome BinaryMutation.mutate(Chromosome original)
          Mutate the given chromosome.
 Chromosome MutationPolicy.mutate(Chromosome original)
          Mutate the given chromosome.

Method parameters in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics with type arguments of type Chromosome
 void ListPopulation.addChromosomes(Collection<Chromosome> chromosomeColl)
          Add a Collection of chromosomes to this Population.
 void ListPopulation.setChromosomes(List<Chromosome> chromosomes)
          Deprecated. use ListPopulation.addChromosomes(Collection) instead

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics with parameters of type Chromosome
ChromosomePair(Chromosome c1, Chromosome c2)
          Create a chromosome pair.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics with type arguments of type Chromosome
ElitisticListPopulation(List<Chromosome> chromosomes, int populationLimit, double elitismRate)
          Creates a new ElitisticListPopulation instance.
ListPopulation(List<Chromosome> chromosomes, int populationLimit)
          Creates a new ListPopulation instance.

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