Uses of Interface

Packages that use CrossoverPolicy
org.apache.commons.math3.genetics This package provides Genetic Algorithms components and implementations. 

Uses of CrossoverPolicy in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics that implement CrossoverPolicy
 class CycleCrossover<T>
          Cycle Crossover [CX] builds offspring from ordered chromosomes by identifying cycles between two parent chromosomes.
 class NPointCrossover<T>
          N-point crossover policy.
 class OnePointCrossover<T>
          One point crossover policy.
 class OrderedCrossover<T>
          Order 1 Crossover [OX1] builds offspring from ordered chromosomes by copying a consecutive slice from one parent, and filling up the remaining genes from the other parent as they appear.
 class UniformCrossover<T>
          Perform Uniform Crossover [UX] on the specified chromosomes.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics that return CrossoverPolicy
 CrossoverPolicy GeneticAlgorithm.getCrossoverPolicy()
          Returns the crossover policy.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics with parameters of type CrossoverPolicy
GeneticAlgorithm(CrossoverPolicy crossoverPolicy, double crossoverRate, MutationPolicy mutationPolicy, double mutationRate, SelectionPolicy selectionPolicy)
          Create a new genetic algorithm.

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