Uses of Interface

Packages that use Population
org.apache.commons.math3.genetics This package provides Genetic Algorithms components and implementations. 

Uses of Population in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics that implement Population
 class ElitisticListPopulation
          Population of chromosomes which uses elitism (certain percentage of the best chromosomes is directly copied to the next generation).
 class ListPopulation
          Population of chromosomes represented by a List.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics that return Population
 Population GeneticAlgorithm.evolve(Population initial, StoppingCondition condition)
          Evolve the given population.
 Population Population.nextGeneration()
          Start the population for the next generation.
 Population ElitisticListPopulation.nextGeneration()
          Start the population for the next generation.
 Population GeneticAlgorithm.nextGeneration(Population current)
          Evolve the given population into the next generation.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.genetics with parameters of type Population
 Population GeneticAlgorithm.evolve(Population initial, StoppingCondition condition)
          Evolve the given population.
protected  Chromosome Chromosome.findSameChromosome(Population population)
          Searches the population for another chromosome with the same representation.
 boolean StoppingCondition.isSatisfied(Population population)
          Determine whether or not the given population satisfies the stopping condition.
 boolean FixedElapsedTime.isSatisfied(Population population)
          Determine whether or not the maximum allowed time has passed.
 boolean FixedGenerationCount.isSatisfied(Population population)
          Determine whether or not the given number of generations have passed.
 Population GeneticAlgorithm.nextGeneration(Population current)
          Evolve the given population into the next generation.
 void Chromosome.searchForFitnessUpdate(Population population)
          Searches the population for a chromosome representing the same solution, and if it finds one, updates the fitness to its value.
 ChromosomePair population)
          Select two chromosomes from the population.
 ChromosomePair population)
          Select two chromosomes from the population.

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