Package org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed

This package provides basic 3D geometry components.


Interface Summary
Cone This interface extends the solid shape for the particular case of cones.
CrossSectionProvider Interface for all geometric objects that can provide their cross section from a direction defined by a Vector3D.
Cylinder This interface extends the solid shape for the particular case of cylinders.
IEllipsoid Interface for Ellipsoid objects.
InfiniteCone This interface extends the infinite shape for the particular cases of infinite cones.
InfiniteCylinder This interface extends the infinite shape for the particular cases of infinite cylinders.
InfiniteShape Interface for all infinite shapes.
Shape Interface for all shapes.
SolidShape Interface for all solids.

Class Summary
AbstractEllipse This is an abstract describing class for an ellipse in 3D space, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Disk Implements a representation of a disk.
Ellipse This is a describing class for an ellipse in 3D space, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Ellipsoid This is the Ellipsoid (also called Revolved Ellipsoid) class.This class cannot represent all ellipsoid objects.
EllipticCone This is a describing class for a 3D oblique circular cone ended by a plane normal to its axis, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
EllipticCylinder This is a describing class for a 3D oblique circular cylinder ended by two planes normal to its axis, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Euclidean3D This class implements a three-dimensional space.
FieldRotation<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> This class is a re-implementation of Rotation using RealFieldElement.
FieldVector3D<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> This class is a re-implementation of Vector3D using RealFieldElement.
InfiniteEllipticCone This class is the Infinite Oblique Circular Cone class.
InfiniteEllipticCylinder This class is the Infinite Elliptic Cylinder class.
InfiniteRectangleCone This is a describing class for a 3D infinite cone, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
InfiniteRectangleCylinder This is a describing class for a 3D infinite rectangle cylinder, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
InfiniteRightCircularCone This is a describing class for a 3D infinite cone, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
InfiniteRightCircularCylinder This is a describing class for a 3D infinite right circular cylinder, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Line The class represent lines in a three dimensional space.
LineSegment This is a describing class for a line segment in 3D space, with a method to compute the shortest distance to a line.
Matrix3D This is a real 3x3 matrix designed to be used in geometric calculations.
OutlineExtractor Extractor for polyhedrons sets outlines.
Parallelepiped This is a describing class for a rectangle parallelepiped shape, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Plane The class represent planes in a three dimensional space.
Plate This is a describing class for a 3D rectangle plate shape, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
PolyhedronsSet This class represents a 3D region: a set of polyhedrons.
RectangleCone This is a describing class for a 3D rectangle cone ended by a plane normal to its axis (pyramid), with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
RightCircularCone This is a describing class for a 3D right circular cone ended by a plane normal to its axis, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
RightCircularCylinder This is a describing class for a 3D right circular cylinder ended by two planes normal to its axis, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
Rotation This class implements rotations in a three-dimensional space.
RotationOrder This class is a utility representing a rotation order specification for Cardan or Euler angles specification.
Screw This class represents a screw
Segment Simple container for a two-points segment.
Sphere This is a describing class for a 3D spherical shape, with some algorithm to compute intersections and distances to some other objects.
SphericalCap Implements a representation of a spherical cap solid.
Spheroid This is the Spheroid (also called Revolved Ellipsoid) class.
SubLine This class represents a subset of a Line.
SubPlane This class represents a sub-hyperplane for Plane.
Vector3D This class implements vectors in a three-dimensional space.
Vector3DFormat Formats a 3D vector in components list format "{x; y; z}".

Exception Summary
NotARotationMatrixException This class represents exceptions thrown while building rotations from matrices.

Package org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed Description

This package provides basic 3D geometry components.

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