Class AbstractSubHyperplane<S extends Space,T extends Space>

  extended by org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T>
Type Parameters:
S - Type of the embedding space.
T - Type of the embedded sub-space.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SubLine, SubOrientedPoint, SubPlane

public abstract class AbstractSubHyperplane<S extends Space,T extends Space>
extends Object
implements SubHyperplane<S>

This class implements the dimension-independent parts of SubHyperplane.

sub-hyperplanes are obtained when parts of an hyperplane are chopped off by other hyperplanes that intersect it. The remaining part is a convex region. Such objects appear in BSP trees as the intersection of a cut hyperplane with the convex region which it splits, the chopping hyperplanes are the cut hyperplanes closer to the tree root.

$Id: 7721 2013-02-14 14:07:13Z CardosoP $

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.SubHyperplane
SubHyperplane.SplitSubHyperplane<U extends Space>
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractSubHyperplane(Hyperplane<S> hyperplane, Region<T> remainingRegion)
          Build a sub-hyperplane from an hyperplane and a region.
Method Summary
 AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> applyTransform(Transform<S,T> transform)
          Apply a transform to the instance.
protected abstract  AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> buildNew(Hyperplane<S> hyper, Region<T> remaining)
          Build a sub-hyperplane from an hyperplane and a region.
 AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> copySelf()
          Copy the instance.
 Hyperplane<S> getHyperplane()
          Get the underlying hyperplane.
 Region<T> getRemainingRegion()
          Get the remaining region of the hyperplane.
 double getSize()
          Get the size of the instance.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Check if the instance is empty.
 AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> reunite(SubHyperplane<S> other)
          Compute the union of the instance and another sub-hyperplane.
abstract  Side side(Hyperplane<S> hyper)
          Compute the relative position of the instance with respect to an hyperplane.
abstract  SubHyperplane.SplitSubHyperplane<S> split(Hyperplane<S> hyper)
          Split the instance in two parts by an hyperplane.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractSubHyperplane(Hyperplane<S> hyperplane,
                                Region<T> remainingRegion)
Build a sub-hyperplane from an hyperplane and a region.

hyperplane - underlying hyperplane
remainingRegion - remaining region of the hyperplane
Method Detail


protected abstract AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> buildNew(Hyperplane<S> hyper,
                                                       Region<T> remaining)
Build a sub-hyperplane from an hyperplane and a region.

hyper - underlying hyperplane
remaining - remaining region of the hyperplane
a new sub-hyperplane


public AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> copySelf()
Copy the instance.

The instance created is completely independent of the original one. A deep copy is used, none of the underlying objects are shared (except for the nodes attributes and immutable objects).

Specified by:
copySelf in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
a new sub-hyperplane, copy of the instance


public Hyperplane<S> getHyperplane()
Get the underlying hyperplane.

Specified by:
getHyperplane in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
underlying hyperplane


public Region<T> getRemainingRegion()
Get the remaining region of the hyperplane.

The returned region is expressed in the canonical hyperplane frame and has the hyperplane dimension. For example a chopped hyperplane in the 3D euclidean is a 2D plane and the corresponding region is a convex 2D polygon.

remaining region of the hyperplane


public double getSize()
Get the size of the instance.

Specified by:
getSize in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
the size of the instance (this is a length in 1D, an area in 2D, a volume in 3D ...)


public AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> reunite(SubHyperplane<S> other)
Compute the union of the instance and another sub-hyperplane.

Specified by:
reunite in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
other - other sub-hyperplane to union (must be in the same hyperplane as the instance)
a new sub-hyperplane, union of the instance and other


public AbstractSubHyperplane<S,T> applyTransform(Transform<S,T> transform)
Apply a transform to the instance.

The instance must be a (D-1)-dimension sub-hyperplane with respect to the transform not a (D-2)-dimension sub-hyperplane the transform knows how to transform by itself. The transform will consist in transforming first the hyperplane and then the all region using the various methods provided by the transform.

transform - D-dimension transform to apply
the transformed instance


public abstract Side side(Hyperplane<S> hyper)
Compute the relative position of the instance with respect to an hyperplane.

Specified by:
side in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
hyper - hyperplane to check instance against
one of Side.PLUS, Side.MINUS, Side.BOTH, Side.HYPER


public abstract SubHyperplane.SplitSubHyperplane<S> split(Hyperplane<S> hyper)
Split the instance in two parts by an hyperplane.

Specified by:
split in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
hyper - splitting hyperplane
an object containing both the part of the instance on the plus side of the instance and the part of the instance on the minus side of the instance


public boolean isEmpty()
Check if the instance is empty.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface SubHyperplane<S extends Space>
true if the instance is empty

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