Interface BSPTree.LeafMerger<S extends Space>

Type Parameters:
S - Type of the space.
Enclosing class:
BSPTree<S extends Space>

public static interface BSPTree.LeafMerger<S extends Space>

This interface gather the merging operations between a BSP tree leaf and another BSP tree.

As explained in Bruce Naylor, John Amanatides and William Thibault paper Merging BSP Trees Yields Polyhedral Set Operations, the operations on BSP trees can be expressed as a generic recursive merging operation where only the final part, when one of the operand is a leaf, is specific to the real operation semantics. For example, a tree representing a region using a boolean attribute to identify inside cells and outside cells would use four different objects to implement the final merging phase of the four set operations union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference (exclusive or).

Method Summary
 BSPTree<S> merge(BSPTree<S> leaf, BSPTree<S> tree, BSPTree<S> parentTree, boolean isPlusChild, boolean leafFromInstance)
          Merge a leaf node and a tree node.

Method Detail


BSPTree<S> merge(BSPTree<S> leaf,
                 BSPTree<S> tree,
                 BSPTree<S> parentTree,
                 boolean isPlusChild,
                 boolean leafFromInstance)
Merge a leaf node and a tree node.

This method is called at the end of a recursive merging resulting from a tree1.merge(tree2, leafMerger) call, when one of the sub-trees involved is a leaf (i.e. when its cut-hyperplane is null). This is the only place where the precise semantics of the operation are required. For all upper level nodes in the tree, the merging operation is only a generic partitioning algorithm.

Since the final operation may be non-commutative, it is important to know if the leaf node comes from the instance tree (tree1) or the argument tree (tree2). The third argument of the method is devoted to this. It can be ignored for commutative operations.

The BSPTree.insertInTree method may be useful to implement this method.

leaf - leaf node (its cut hyperplane is guaranteed to be null)
tree - tree node (its cut hyperplane may be null or not)
parentTree - parent tree to connect to (may be null)
isPlusChild - if true and if parentTree is not null, the resulting tree should be the plus child of its parent, ignored if parentTree is null
leafFromInstance - if true, the leaf node comes from the instance tree (tree1) and the tree node comes from the argument tree (tree2)
the BSP tree resulting from the merging (may be one of the arguments)

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