Uses of Class

Packages that use AVLTree.Node
org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.utilities This package provides multidimensional ordering features for partitioning. 

Uses of AVLTree.Node in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.utilities

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.utilities that return AVLTree.Node
 AVLTree.Node AVLTree.getLargest()
          Get the node whose element is the largest one in the tree.
 AVLTree.Node AVLTree.Node.getNext()
          Get the node containing the next larger or equal element.
 AVLTree.Node AVLTree.getNotLarger(T reference)
          Get the node whose element is not larger than the reference object.
 AVLTree.Node AVLTree.getNotSmaller(T reference)
          Get the node whose element is not smaller than the reference object.
 AVLTree.Node AVLTree.Node.getPrevious()
          Get the node containing the next smaller or equal element.
 AVLTree.Node AVLTree.getSmallest()
          Get the node whose element is the smallest one in the tree.

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