Class AbstractRealMatrix

  extended by org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealLinearOperator
      extended by org.apache.commons.math3.linear.AbstractRealMatrix
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnyMatrix, RealMatrix
Direct Known Subclasses:
Array2DRowRealMatrix, BlockRealMatrix, DiagonalMatrix, OpenMapRealMatrix, SymmetricMatrix

public abstract class AbstractRealMatrix
extends RealLinearOperator
implements RealMatrix

Basic implementation of RealMatrix methods regardless of the underlying storage.

All the methods implemented here use getEntry(int, int) to access matrix elements. Derived class can provide faster implementations.

$Id: 14772 2015-12-01 15:54:28Z bignon $

Constructor Summary
protected AbstractRealMatrix()
          Creates a matrix with no data
protected AbstractRealMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Create a new RealMatrix with the supplied row and column dimensions.
Method Summary
 RealMatrix add(RealMatrix m)
          Returns the sum of this and m.
 void addToEntry(int row, int column, double increment)
          Adds (in place) the specified value to the specified entry of this matrix.
abstract  RealMatrix copy()
          Returns a (deep) copy of this.
 void copySubMatrix(int[] selectedRows, int[] selectedColumns, double[][] destination)
          Copy a submatrix.
 void copySubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn, double[][] destination)
          Copy a submatrix.
abstract  RealMatrix createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Create a new RealMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
 boolean equals(Object object)
          Returns true iff object is a RealMatrix instance with the same dimensions as this and all corresponding matrix entries are equal.
 double[] getColumn(int column)
          Get the entries at the given column index as an array.
abstract  int getColumnDimension()
          Returns the number of columns of this matrix.
 RealMatrix getColumnMatrix(int column)
          Get the entries at the given column index as a column matrix.
 RealVector getColumnVector(int column)
          Get the entries at the given column index as a vector.
 double[][] getData()
          Returns matrix entries as a two-dimensional array.
abstract  double getEntry(int row, int column)
          Get the entry in the specified row and column.
 double getFrobeniusNorm()
          Returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
 double getNorm()
          Returns the maximum absolute row sum norm of the matrix.
 double[] getRow(int row)
          Get the entries at the given row index.
abstract  int getRowDimension()
          Returns the number of rows of this matrix.
 RealMatrix getRowMatrix(int row)
          Get the entries at the given row index as a row matrix.
 RealVector getRowVector(int row)
          Returns the entries in row number row as a vector.
 RealMatrix getSubMatrix(int[] selectedRows, int[] selectedColumns)
          Gets a submatrix.
 RealMatrix getSubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Gets a submatrix.
 double getTrace()
          Returns the trace of the matrix (the sum of the elements on the main diagonal).
 int hashCode()
          Computes a hashcode for the matrix.
 boolean isAntisymmetric(double zeroDiagonalThreshold)
          Checks if this is a antisymmetric matrix
 boolean isDiagonal(double threshold)
          Given a threshold, is this a diagonal matrix? The method indicates if the matrix is diagonal.
 boolean isInvertible(double threshold)
          Given a threshold, is this an invertible matrix? The method indicates if the matrix is invertible.
 boolean isOrthogonal(double thresholdNorm, double thresholdOrthogonality)
          Given a threshold, is this an orthogonal matrix? The method indicates if the matrix is orthogonal.
 boolean isSquare()
          Is this a square matrix?
 boolean isSymmetric()
          Checks if this is a symmetric matrix
 boolean isSymmetric(double relativeSymmetryThreshold)
 RealMatrix multiply(RealMatrix m)
          Returns the result of postmultiplying this by m.
 void multiplyEntry(int row, int column, double factor)
          Multiplies (in place) the specified entry of this matrix by the specified value.
 double[] operate(double[] v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.
 RealVector operate(RealVector v)
          Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector x.
 RealMatrix power(int p)
          Returns the result of multiplying this with itself p times.
 double[] preMultiply(double[] v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 RealMatrix preMultiply(RealMatrix m)
          Returns the result of premultiplying this by m.
 RealVector preMultiply(RealVector v)
          Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.
 RealMatrix scalarAdd(double d)
          Returns the result of adding d to each entry of this.
 RealMatrix scalarMultiply(double d)
          Returns the result of multiplying each entry of this by d.
 void setColumn(int column, double[] array)
          Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified array.
 void setColumnMatrix(int column, RealMatrix matrix)
          Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified column matrix.
 void setColumnVector(int column, RealVector vector)
          Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified vector.
abstract  void setEntry(int row, int column, double value)
          Set the entry in the specified row and column.
 void setRow(int row, double[] array)
          Sets the specified row of this matrix to the entries of the specified array.
 void setRowMatrix(int row, RealMatrix matrix)
          Sets the specified row of this matrix to the entries of the specified row matrix.
 void setRowVector(int row, RealVector vector)
          Sets the specified row of this matrix to the entries of the specified vector.
 void setSubMatrix(double[][] subMatrix, int row, int column)
          Replace the submatrix starting at row, column using data in the input subMatrix array.
 RealMatrix subtract(RealMatrix m)
          Returns this minus m.
 String toString()
          Get a string representation for this matrix.
 RealMatrix transpose()
          Returns the transpose of this matrix.
 double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor)
          Visit (and possibly change) all matrix entries in column order.
 double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Visit (and possibly change) some matrix entries in column order.
 double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor)
          Visit (but don't change) all matrix entries in column order.
 double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Visit (but don't change) some matrix entries in column order.
 double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor)
          Visit (and possibly change) all matrix entries using the fastest possible order.
 double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Visit (and possibly change) some matrix entries using the fastest possible order.
 double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor)
          Visit (but don't change) all matrix entries using the fastest possible order.
 double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Visit (but don't change) some matrix entries using the fastest possible order.
 double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor)
          Visit (and possibly change) all matrix entries in row order.
 double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Visit (and possibly change) some matrix entries in row order.
 double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor)
          Visit (but don't change) all matrix entries in row order.
 double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Visit (but don't change) some matrix entries in row order.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealLinearOperator
isTransposable, operateTranspose
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractRealMatrix()
Creates a matrix with no data


protected AbstractRealMatrix(int rowDimension,
                             int columnDimension)
                      throws NotStrictlyPositiveException
Create a new RealMatrix with the supplied row and column dimensions.

rowDimension - the number of rows in the new matrix
columnDimension - the number of columns in the new matrix
NotStrictlyPositiveException - if row or column dimension is not positive
Method Detail


public RealMatrix add(RealMatrix m)
               throws MatrixDimensionMismatchException
Returns the sum of this and m.

Specified by:
add in interface RealMatrix
m - matrix to be added
this + m
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if m is not the same size as this.


public RealMatrix subtract(RealMatrix m)
                    throws MatrixDimensionMismatchException
Returns this minus m.

Specified by:
subtract in interface RealMatrix
m - matrix to be subtracted
this - m
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if m is not the same size as this.


public RealMatrix scalarAdd(double d)
Returns the result of adding d to each entry of this.

Specified by:
scalarAdd in interface RealMatrix
d - value to be added to each entry
d + this


public RealMatrix scalarMultiply(double d)
Returns the result of multiplying each entry of this by d.

Specified by:
scalarMultiply in interface RealMatrix
d - value to multiply all entries by
d * this


public RealMatrix multiply(RealMatrix m)
                    throws DimensionMismatchException
Returns the result of postmultiplying this by m.

Specified by:
multiply in interface RealMatrix
m - matrix to postmultiply by
this * m
DimensionMismatchException - if columnDimension(this) != rowDimension(m)


public RealMatrix preMultiply(RealMatrix m)
                       throws DimensionMismatchException
Returns the result of premultiplying this by m.

Specified by:
preMultiply in interface RealMatrix
m - matrix to premultiply by
m * this
DimensionMismatchException - if rowDimension(this) != columnDimension(m)


public RealMatrix power(int p)
                 throws NotPositiveException,
Returns the result of multiplying this with itself p times. Depending on the underlying storage, instability for high powers might occur.

Specified by:
power in interface RealMatrix
p - raise this to power p
NotPositiveException - if p < 0
NonSquareMatrixException - if the matrix is not square


public double[][] getData()
Returns matrix entries as a two-dimensional array.

Specified by:
getData in interface RealMatrix
2-dimensional array of entries


public double getNorm()
Returns the maximum absolute row sum norm of the matrix.

Specified by:
getNorm in interface RealMatrix


public double getFrobeniusNorm()
Returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.

Specified by:
getFrobeniusNorm in interface RealMatrix


public RealMatrix getSubMatrix(int startRow,
                               int endRow,
                               int startColumn,
                               int endColumn)
                        throws OutOfRangeException,
Gets a submatrix. Rows and columns are indicated counting from 0 to n-1.

Specified by:
getSubMatrix in interface RealMatrix
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index (inclusive)
The subMatrix containing the data of the specified rows and columns.
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.


public RealMatrix getSubMatrix(int[] selectedRows,
                               int[] selectedColumns)
                        throws NullArgumentException,
Gets a submatrix. Rows and columns are indicated counting from 0 to n-1.

Specified by:
getSubMatrix in interface RealMatrix
selectedRows - Array of row indices.
selectedColumns - Array of column indices.
The subMatrix containing the data in the specified rows and columns
NullArgumentException - if the row or column selections are null
NoDataException - if the row or column selections are empty (zero length).
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.


public void copySubMatrix(int startRow,
                          int endRow,
                          int startColumn,
                          int endColumn,
                          double[][] destination)
                   throws OutOfRangeException,
Copy a submatrix. Rows and columns are indicated counting from 0 to n-1.

Specified by:
copySubMatrix in interface RealMatrix
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index (inclusive)
destination - The arrays where the submatrix data should be copied (if larger than rows/columns counts, only the upper-left part will be used)
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the destination array is too small.


public void copySubMatrix(int[] selectedRows,
                          int[] selectedColumns,
                          double[][] destination)
                   throws OutOfRangeException,
Copy a submatrix. Rows and columns are indicated counting from 0 to n-1.

Specified by:
copySubMatrix in interface RealMatrix
selectedRows - Array of row indices.
selectedColumns - Array of column indices.
destination - The arrays where the submatrix data should be copied (if larger than rows/columns counts, only the upper-left part will be used)
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NullArgumentException - if the row or column selections are null
NoDataException - if the row or column selections are empty (zero length).
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the destination array is too small.


public void setSubMatrix(double[][] subMatrix,
                         int row,
                         int column)
                  throws NoDataException,
Replace the submatrix starting at row, column using data in the input subMatrix array. Indexes are 0-based.

Starting with

 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9  0  1  2
and subMatrix = {{3, 4} {5,6}}, invoking setSubMatrix(subMatrix,1,1)) will result in
 1  2  3  4
 5  3  4  8
 9  5  6  2

Specified by:
setSubMatrix in interface RealMatrix
subMatrix - array containing the submatrix replacement data
row - row coordinate of the top, left element to be replaced
column - column coordinate of the top, left element to be replaced
NoDataException - if subMatrix is empty.
OutOfRangeException - if subMatrix does not fit into this matrix from element in (row, column).
DimensionMismatchException - if subMatrix is not rectangular (not all rows have the same length) or empty.
NullArgumentException - if subMatrix is null.


public RealMatrix getRowMatrix(int row)
                        throws OutOfRangeException
Get the entries at the given row index as a row matrix. Row indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getRowMatrix in interface RealMatrix
row - Row to be fetched.
row Matrix.
OutOfRangeException - if the specified row index is invalid.


public void setRowMatrix(int row,
                         RealMatrix matrix)
                  throws OutOfRangeException,
Sets the specified row of this matrix to the entries of the specified row matrix. Row indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setRowMatrix in interface RealMatrix
row - Row to be set.
matrix - Row matrix to be copied (must have one row and the same number of columns as the instance).
OutOfRangeException - if the specified row index is invalid.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the row dimension of the matrix is not 1, or the column dimensions of this and matrix do not match.


public RealMatrix getColumnMatrix(int column)
                           throws OutOfRangeException
Get the entries at the given column index as a column matrix. Column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getColumnMatrix in interface RealMatrix
column - Column to be fetched.
column Matrix.
OutOfRangeException - if the specified column index is invalid.


public void setColumnMatrix(int column,
                            RealMatrix matrix)
                     throws OutOfRangeException,
Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified column matrix. Column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setColumnMatrix in interface RealMatrix
column - Column to be set.
matrix - Column matrix to be copied (must have one column and the same number of rows as the instance).
OutOfRangeException - if the specified column index is invalid.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the column dimension of the matrix is not 1, or the row dimensions of this and matrix do not match.


public RealVector getRowVector(int row)
                        throws OutOfRangeException
Returns the entries in row number row as a vector. Row indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getRowVector in interface RealMatrix
row - Row to be fetched.
a row vector.
OutOfRangeException - if the specified row index is invalid.


public void setRowVector(int row,
                         RealVector vector)
                  throws OutOfRangeException,
Sets the specified row of this matrix to the entries of the specified vector. Row indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setRowVector in interface RealMatrix
row - Row to be set.
vector - row vector to be copied (must have the same number of column as the instance).
OutOfRangeException - if the specified row index is invalid.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the vector dimension does not match the column dimension of this matrix.


public RealVector getColumnVector(int column)
                           throws OutOfRangeException
Get the entries at the given column index as a vector. Column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getColumnVector in interface RealMatrix
column - Column to be fetched.
a column vector.
OutOfRangeException - if the specified column index is invalid


public void setColumnVector(int column,
                            RealVector vector)
                     throws OutOfRangeException,
Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified vector. Column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setColumnVector in interface RealMatrix
column - Column to be set.
vector - column vector to be copied (must have the same number of rows as the instance).
OutOfRangeException - if the specified column index is invalid.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the vector dimension does not match the row dimension of this matrix.


public double[] getRow(int row)
                throws OutOfRangeException
Get the entries at the given row index. Row indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getRow in interface RealMatrix
row - Row to be fetched.
the array of entries in the row.
OutOfRangeException - if the specified row index is not valid.


public void setRow(int row,
                   double[] array)
            throws OutOfRangeException,
Sets the specified row of this matrix to the entries of the specified array. Row indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setRow in interface RealMatrix
row - Row to be set.
array - Row matrix to be copied (must have the same number of columns as the instance)
OutOfRangeException - if the specified row index is invalid.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the array length does not match the column dimension of this matrix.


public double[] getColumn(int column)
                   throws OutOfRangeException
Get the entries at the given column index as an array. Column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getColumn in interface RealMatrix
column - Column to be fetched.
the array of entries in the column.
OutOfRangeException - if the specified column index is not valid.


public void setColumn(int column,
                      double[] array)
               throws OutOfRangeException,
Sets the specified column of this matrix to the entries of the specified array. Column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setColumn in interface RealMatrix
column - Column to be set.
array - Column array to be copied (must have the same number of rows as the instance).
OutOfRangeException - if the specified column index is invalid.
MatrixDimensionMismatchException - if the array length does not match the row dimension of this matrix.


public void addToEntry(int row,
                       int column,
                       double increment)
                throws OutOfRangeException
Adds (in place) the specified value to the specified entry of this matrix. Row and column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
addToEntry in interface RealMatrix
row - Row index of the entry to be modified.
column - Column index of the entry to be modified.
increment - value to add to the matrix entry.
OutOfRangeException - if the row or column index is not valid.


public void multiplyEntry(int row,
                          int column,
                          double factor)
                   throws OutOfRangeException
Multiplies (in place) the specified entry of this matrix by the specified value. Row and column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
multiplyEntry in interface RealMatrix
row - Row index of the entry to be modified.
column - Column index of the entry to be modified.
factor - Multiplication factor for the matrix entry.
OutOfRangeException - if the row or column index is not valid.


public RealMatrix transpose()
Returns the transpose of this matrix.

Specified by:
transpose in interface RealMatrix
transpose matrix


public boolean isSquare()
Is this a square matrix?

Specified by:
isSquare in interface AnyMatrix
true if the matrix is square (rowDimension = columnDimension)


public boolean isSymmetric()
Checks if this is a symmetric matrix

Specified by:
isSymmetric in interface RealMatrix
true if this is a symmetric matrix


public boolean isSymmetric(double relativeSymmetryThreshold)
relativeSymmetryThreshold - threshold above which off-diagonal elements are considered too different and matrix not symmetric
true if symmetric taking into account threshold


public boolean isAntisymmetric(double zeroDiagonalThreshold)
Checks if this is a antisymmetric matrix

Specified by:
isAntisymmetric in interface RealMatrix
zeroDiagonalThreshold - the threshold used in comparisons to zero for the diagonal values
true if this is a antisymmetric matrix


public abstract int getRowDimension()
Returns the number of rows of this matrix.

Specified by:
getRowDimension in interface AnyMatrix
Specified by:
getRowDimension in class RealLinearOperator
the number of rows.


public abstract int getColumnDimension()
Returns the number of columns of this matrix.

Specified by:
getColumnDimension in interface AnyMatrix
Specified by:
getColumnDimension in class RealLinearOperator
the number of columns.


public double getTrace()
                throws NonSquareMatrixException
Returns the trace of the matrix (the sum of the elements on the main diagonal).

Specified by:
getTrace in interface RealMatrix
the trace.
NonSquareMatrixException - if the matrix is not square.


public double[] operate(double[] v)
                 throws DimensionMismatchException
Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector v.

Specified by:
operate in interface RealMatrix
v - the vector to operate on
this * v
DimensionMismatchException - if the length of v does not match the column dimension of this.


public RealVector operate(RealVector v)
                   throws DimensionMismatchException
Returns the result of multiplying this by the vector x.

Specified by:
operate in interface RealMatrix
Specified by:
operate in class RealLinearOperator
v - the vector to operate on
the product of this instance with x
DimensionMismatchException - if the column dimension does not match the size of x


public double[] preMultiply(double[] v)
                     throws DimensionMismatchException
Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.

Specified by:
preMultiply in interface RealMatrix
v - the row vector to premultiply by
v * this
DimensionMismatchException - if the length of v does not match the row dimension of this.


public RealVector preMultiply(RealVector v)
                       throws DimensionMismatchException
Returns the (row) vector result of premultiplying this by the vector v.

Specified by:
preMultiply in interface RealMatrix
v - the row vector to premultiply by
v * this
DimensionMismatchException - if the dimension of v does not match the row dimension of this.


public double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor)
Visit (and possibly change) all matrix entries in row order.

Row order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a row from left to right before going to the leftmost element of the next row.

Specified by:
walkInRowOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
the value returned by RealMatrixChangingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor)
Visit (but don't change) all matrix entries in row order.

Row order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a row from left to right before going to the leftmost element of the next row.

Specified by:
walkInRowOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
the value returned by RealMatrixPreservingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor,
                             int startRow,
                             int endRow,
                             int startColumn,
                             int endColumn)
                      throws OutOfRangeException,
Visit (and possibly change) some matrix entries in row order.

Row order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a row from left to right before going to the leftmost element of the next row.

Specified by:
walkInRowOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index
the value returned by RealMatrixChangingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor,
                             int startRow,
                             int endRow,
                             int startColumn,
                             int endColumn)
                      throws OutOfRangeException,
Visit (but don't change) some matrix entries in row order.

Row order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a row from left to right before going to the leftmost element of the next row.

Specified by:
walkInRowOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index
the value returned by RealMatrixPreservingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor)
Visit (and possibly change) all matrix entries in column order.

Column order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a column from top to bottom before going to the topmost element of the next column.

Specified by:
walkInColumnOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
the value returned by RealMatrixChangingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor)
Visit (but don't change) all matrix entries in column order.

Column order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a column from top to bottom before going to the topmost element of the next column.

Specified by:
walkInColumnOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
the value returned by RealMatrixPreservingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor,
                                int startRow,
                                int endRow,
                                int startColumn,
                                int endColumn)
                         throws OutOfRangeException,
Visit (and possibly change) some matrix entries in column order.

Column order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a column from top to bottom before going to the topmost element of the next column.

Specified by:
walkInColumnOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index
the value returned by RealMatrixChangingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor,
                                int startRow,
                                int endRow,
                                int startColumn,
                                int endColumn)
                         throws OutOfRangeException,
Visit (but don't change) some matrix entries in column order.

Column order starts at upper left and iterating through all elements of a column from top to bottom before going to the topmost element of the next column.

Specified by:
walkInColumnOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index
the value returned by RealMatrixPreservingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor)
Visit (and possibly change) all matrix entries using the fastest possible order.

The fastest walking order depends on the exact matrix class. It may be different from traditional row or column orders.

Specified by:
walkInOptimizedOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
the value returned by RealMatrixChangingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor)
Visit (but don't change) all matrix entries using the fastest possible order.

The fastest walking order depends on the exact matrix class. It may be different from traditional row or column orders.

Specified by:
walkInOptimizedOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
the value returned by RealMatrixPreservingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor,
                                   int startRow,
                                   int endRow,
                                   int startColumn,
                                   int endColumn)
                            throws OutOfRangeException,
Visit (and possibly change) some matrix entries using the fastest possible order.

The fastest walking order depends on the exact matrix class. It may be different from traditional row or column orders.

Specified by:
walkInOptimizedOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index (inclusive)
the value returned by RealMatrixChangingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public double walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor visitor,
                                   int startRow,
                                   int endRow,
                                   int startColumn,
                                   int endColumn)
                            throws OutOfRangeException,
Visit (but don't change) some matrix entries using the fastest possible order.

The fastest walking order depends on the exact matrix class. It may be different from traditional row or column orders.

Specified by:
walkInOptimizedOrder in interface RealMatrix
visitor - visitor used to process all matrix entries
startRow - Initial row index
endRow - Final row index (inclusive)
startColumn - Initial column index
endColumn - Final column index (inclusive)
the value returned by RealMatrixPreservingVisitor.end() at the end of the walk
OutOfRangeException - if the indices are not valid.
NumberIsTooSmallException - if endRow < startRow or endColumn < startColumn.
See Also:
RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInRowOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInColumnOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor, int, int, int, int), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixPreservingVisitor), RealMatrix.walkInOptimizedOrder(RealMatrixChangingVisitor, int, int, int, int)


public String toString()
Get a string representation for this matrix.

toString in class Object
a string representation for this matrix


public boolean equals(Object object)
Returns true iff object is a RealMatrix instance with the same dimensions as this and all corresponding matrix entries are equal.

equals in class Object
object - the object to test equality against.
true if object equals this


public int hashCode()
Computes a hashcode for the matrix.

hashCode in class Object
hashcode for matrix


public final boolean isOrthogonal(double thresholdNorm,
                                  double thresholdOrthogonality)
Given a threshold, is this an orthogonal matrix? The method indicates if the matrix is orthogonal. To do so the method checks if the column vectors of the matrix form an orthonomal set.

Specified by:
isOrthogonal in interface RealMatrix
thresholdNorm - : allowed relative error with respect to the normality of the vectors
thresholdOrthogonality - : allowed absolute error with respect to the mutual orthogonality of the vectors
true if the vectors form an orthonormal set taking into account an allowed error, false otherwise


public final boolean isDiagonal(double threshold)
Given a threshold, is this a diagonal matrix? The method indicates if the matrix is diagonal. To do so the method checks if the non diagonal elements are zero.

Specified by:
isDiagonal in interface RealMatrix
threshold - : allowed absolute error on non diagonal elements
true if the non diagonal elements are zero taking into account a threshold, false otherwise


public final boolean isInvertible(double threshold)
Given a threshold, is this an invertible matrix? The method indicates if the matrix is invertible. To do so the method checks the linear independence between the column vectors of the matrix.

Specified by:
isInvertible in interface RealMatrix
threshold - : allowed relative error on the column vectors independence
true if the determinant is different to zero taking into account a threshold, false otherwise


public abstract RealMatrix createMatrix(int rowDimension,
                                        int columnDimension)
                                 throws NotStrictlyPositiveException
Create a new RealMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.

Specified by:
createMatrix in interface RealMatrix
rowDimension - the number of rows in the new matrix
columnDimension - the number of columns in the new matrix
a new matrix of the same type as the instance
NotStrictlyPositiveException - if row or column dimension is not positive.


public abstract RealMatrix copy()
Returns a (deep) copy of this.

Specified by:
copy in interface RealMatrix
matrix copy


public abstract double getEntry(int row,
                                int column)
                         throws OutOfRangeException
Get the entry in the specified row and column. Row and column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
getEntry in interface RealMatrix
row - Row index of entry to be fetched.
column - Column index of entry to be fetched.
the matrix entry at (row, column).
OutOfRangeException - if the row or column index is not valid.


public abstract void setEntry(int row,
                              int column,
                              double value)
                       throws OutOfRangeException
Set the entry in the specified row and column. Row and column indices start at 0.

Specified by:
setEntry in interface RealMatrix
row - Row index of entry to be set.
column - Column index of entry to be set.
value - the new value of the entry.
OutOfRangeException - if the row or column index is not valid

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