Uses of Interface

Packages that use FieldMatrix
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 

Uses of FieldMatrix in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.linear that implement FieldMatrix
 class AbstractFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Basic implementation of FieldMatrix methods regardless of the underlying storage.
 class Array2DRowFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Implementation of FieldMatrix using a FieldElement[][] array to store entries.
 class BlockFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Cache-friendly implementation of FieldMatrix using a flat arrays to store square blocks of the matrix.
 class SparseFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>>
          Deprecated. As of version 3.1, this class is deprecated, for reasons exposed in this JIRA ticket. This class will be removed in version 4.0.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear that return FieldMatrix
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.add(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.add(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.add(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 FieldMatrix<T> SparseFieldMatrix.copy()
          Deprecated. Make a (deep) copy of this.
abstract  FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.copy()
          Make a (deep) copy of this.
 FieldMatrix<T> Array2DRowFieldMatrix.copy()
          Make a (deep) copy of this.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.copy()
          Make a (deep) copy of this.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.copy()
          Make a (deep) copy of this.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createColumnFieldMatrix(T[] columnData)
          Creates a column FieldMatrix using the data from the input array.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldDiagonalMatrix(T[] diagonal)
          Returns a diagonal matrix with specified elements.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldIdentityMatrix(Field<T> field, int dimension)
          Returns dimension x dimension identity matrix.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldMatrix(Field<T> field, int rows, int columns)
          Returns a FieldMatrix with specified dimensions.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createFieldMatrix(T[][] data)
          Returns a FieldMatrix whose entries are the the values in the the input array.
 FieldMatrix<T> SparseFieldMatrix.createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Deprecated. Create a new FieldMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
abstract  FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Create a new FieldMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
 FieldMatrix<T> Array2DRowFieldMatrix.createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Create a new FieldMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Create a new FieldMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Create a new FieldMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
<T extends FieldElement<T>>
MatrixUtils.createRowFieldMatrix(T[] rowData)
          Create a row FieldMatrix using the data from the input array.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.getColumnMatrix(int column)
          Get the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.getColumnMatrix(int column)
          Get the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.getColumnMatrix(int column)
          Get the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldDecompositionSolver.getInverse()
          Get the inverse (or pseudo-inverse) of the decomposed matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldLUDecomposition.getL()
          Returns the matrix L of the decomposition.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldLUDecomposition.getP()
          Returns the P rows permutation matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.getRowMatrix(int row)
          Get the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.getRowMatrix(int row)
          Get the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.getRowMatrix(int row)
          Get the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.getSubMatrix(int[] selectedRows, int[] selectedColumns)
          Get a submatrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.getSubMatrix(int[] selectedRows, int[] selectedColumns)
          Get a submatrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.getSubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Get a submatrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.getSubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Get a submatrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.getSubMatrix(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
          Get a submatrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldLUDecomposition.getU()
          Returns the matrix U of the decomposition.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.multiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.multiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.multiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> ArrayFieldVector.outerProduct(ArrayFieldVector<T> v)
          Compute the outer product.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldVector.outerProduct(FieldVector<T> v)
          Compute the outer product.
 FieldMatrix<T> ArrayFieldVector.outerProduct(FieldVector<T> v)
          Compute the outer product.
 FieldMatrix<T> SparseFieldVector.outerProduct(FieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Compute the outer product.
 FieldMatrix<T> SparseFieldVector.outerProduct(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Optimized method to compute outer product when both vectors are sparse.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.power(int p)
          Returns the result multiplying this with itself p times.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.power(int p)
          Returns the result multiplying this with itself p times.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.preMultiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Premultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.preMultiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Premultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.scalarAdd(T d)
          Increment each entry of this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.scalarAdd(T d)
          Increment each entry of this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.scalarAdd(T d)
          Increment each entry of this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.scalarMultiply(T d)
          Multiply each entry by d.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.scalarMultiply(T d)
          Multiply each entry by d.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.scalarMultiply(T d)
          Multiply each entry by d.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldDecompositionSolver.solve(FieldMatrix<T> b)
          Solve the linear equation A × X = B for matrices A.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.subtract(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Subtract m from this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.subtract(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Subtract m from this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.subtract(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Subtract m from this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.transpose()
          Returns the transpose of this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.transpose()
          Returns the transpose of this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.transpose()
          Returns the transpose of this matrix.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type FieldMatrix
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.add(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.add(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.add(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
static Array2DRowRealMatrix MatrixUtils.bigFractionMatrixToRealMatrix(FieldMatrix<BigFraction> m)
          Convert a FieldMatrix/BigFraction matrix to a RealMatrix.
protected  void AbstractFieldMatrix.checkAdditionCompatible(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Check if a matrix is addition compatible with the instance.
protected  void AbstractFieldMatrix.checkMultiplicationCompatible(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Check if a matrix is multiplication compatible with the instance.
protected  void AbstractFieldMatrix.checkSubtractionCompatible(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Check if a matrix is subtraction compatible with the instance.
static Array2DRowRealMatrix MatrixUtils.fractionMatrixToRealMatrix(FieldMatrix<Fraction> m)
          Convert a FieldMatrix/Fraction matrix to a RealMatrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.multiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.multiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.multiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.preMultiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Premultiply this matrix by m.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.preMultiply(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Premultiply this matrix by m.
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.setColumnMatrix(int column, FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Set the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 void BlockFieldMatrix.setColumnMatrix(int column, FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Set the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 void FieldMatrix.setColumnMatrix(int column, FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Set the entries in column number column as a column matrix.
 void AbstractFieldMatrix.setRowMatrix(int row, FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Set the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 void BlockFieldMatrix.setRowMatrix(int row, FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Set the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 void FieldMatrix.setRowMatrix(int row, FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Set the entries in row number row as a row matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldDecompositionSolver.solve(FieldMatrix<T> b)
          Solve the linear equation A × X = B for matrices A.
 FieldMatrix<T> AbstractFieldMatrix.subtract(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Subtract m from this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> BlockFieldMatrix.subtract(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Subtract m from this matrix.
 FieldMatrix<T> FieldMatrix.subtract(FieldMatrix<T> m)
          Subtract m from this matrix.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type FieldMatrix
FieldLUDecomposition(FieldMatrix<T> matrix)
          Calculates the LU-decomposition of the given matrix.
SparseFieldMatrix(FieldMatrix<T> other)
          Deprecated. Generic copy constructor.

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