Uses of Class

Packages that use OpenMapRealMatrix
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 

Uses of OpenMapRealMatrix in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear that return OpenMapRealMatrix
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.add(OpenMapRealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Compute the sum of this matrix and m.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.copy()
          Deprecated. Returns a (deep) copy of this.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.createMatrix(int rowDimension, int columnDimension)
          Deprecated. Create a new RealMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.multiply(OpenMapRealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.subtract(OpenMapRealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Subtract m from this matrix.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.subtract(RealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Returns this minus m.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type OpenMapRealMatrix
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.add(OpenMapRealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Compute the sum of this matrix and m.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.multiply(OpenMapRealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Postmultiply this matrix by m.
 OpenMapRealMatrix OpenMapRealMatrix.subtract(OpenMapRealMatrix m)
          Deprecated. Subtract m from this matrix.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type OpenMapRealMatrix
OpenMapRealMatrix(OpenMapRealMatrix matrix)
          Deprecated. Build a matrix by copying another one.

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