Uses of Class

Packages that use SparseFieldVector
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 

Uses of SparseFieldVector in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear that return SparseFieldVector
 SparseFieldVector<T> SparseFieldVector.subtract(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Optimized method to compute this minus v.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type SparseFieldVector
 FieldVector<T> SparseFieldVector.add(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Optimized method to add sparse vectors.
 FieldVector<T> SparseFieldVector.append(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Construct a vector by appending a vector to this vector.
 FieldMatrix<T> SparseFieldVector.outerProduct(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Optimized method to compute outer product when both vectors are sparse.
 SparseFieldVector<T> SparseFieldVector.subtract(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Optimized method to compute this minus v.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type SparseFieldVector
SparseFieldVector(SparseFieldVector<T> v)
          Deprecated. Copy constructor.
SparseFieldVector(SparseFieldVector<T> v, int resize)
          Deprecated. Build a resized vector, for use with append.

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