Uses of Class

Packages that use SymmetricMatrix
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 

Uses of SymmetricMatrix in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear that return SymmetricMatrix
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.add(DiagonalMatrix m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 SymmetricMatrix DiagonalMatrix.add(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.add(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.copy()
          Returns a (deep) copy of this.
static SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.createDiagonalMatrixWithArray(int dim, int lda, double[] coeff)
          Creates an instance of SymmetricMatrix which is diagonal of input element.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.createMatrix(int lda, int dim)
          Create a new RealMatrix of the same type as the instance with the supplied row and column dimensions.
static SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.newByCopy(SymmetricMatrix.SYMMETRIC uplo, int n, int ld, SymmetricMatrix.SYMMETRIC uploMat, RealMatrix mat)
          Create a symmetric matrix by copy of a triangle of a matrix.
static SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.newByCopyAndSymmetrize(SymmetricMatrix.SYMMETRIC uplo, int n, int ld, RealMatrix mat)
          Create a symmetric matrix by computation of the mean of the 2 triangles of a matrix.
static SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.newByCopyOfPackedStorage(SymmetricMatrix.SYMMETRIC uplo, int n, int ld, double[] d)
          Creates a symmetric matrix using one of the triangles stored in 'packed' storage.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.scalarMultiply(double d)
          Returns the result of multiplying each entry of this by d.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.subtract(DiagonalMatrix m)
          Compute this minus m.
 SymmetricMatrix DiagonalMatrix.subtract(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Returns this minus m.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.subtract(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Compute this minus m.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.linear with parameters of type SymmetricMatrix
 SymmetricMatrix DiagonalMatrix.add(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.add(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Compute the sum of this and m.
 RealMatrix DiagonalMatrix.multiply(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Returns the result of postmultiplying this by m.
 RealMatrix SymmetricMatrix.multiply(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Returns the result of postmultiplying this by m.
 SymmetricMatrix DiagonalMatrix.subtract(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Returns this minus m.
 SymmetricMatrix SymmetricMatrix.subtract(SymmetricMatrix m)
          Compute this minus m.
static void SymmetricMatrix.symmetricMatrixOperation(double alpha, SymmetricMatrix symA, RealMatrix matB, double beta, RealMatrix matC)
          Performs the matrix-matrix operations C := alpha*A*B + beta*C where alpha and beta are scalars, A is a symmetric matrix and B and C are n by n matrices.

Uses of SymmetricMatrix in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.covariance

Methods in org.orekit.propagation.analytical.covariance that return SymmetricMatrix
 SymmetricMatrix OrbitCovariance.getCovarianceMatrix()
          Covariance matrix getter.
 SymmetricMatrix OrbitCovariance.getCovarianceMatrix(Orbit refOrbit, OrbitType outCovType, Frame outFrame)
          Covariance matrix getter.

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