Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventHandler   
org.apache.commons.math3.ode This package provides classes to solve Ordinary Differential Equations problems. This package provides classes to handle discrete events occurring during Ordinary Differential Equations integration. 
org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff This package provides classes to solve non-stiff Ordinary Differential Equations problems. This package provides interfaces and classes dealing with events occurring during propagation. 

Uses of EventHandler in

Classes in that implement EventHandler
 class AdaptedMonoEventDetector
           This interface is copied from AdaptedEventDetector and adapted to multi propagation.
 class AdaptedMultiEventDetector
           This interface is copied from AdaptedEventDetector and adapted to multi propagation.

Uses of EventHandler in org.apache.commons.math3.ode

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.ode that return types with arguments of type EventHandler
 Collection<EventHandler> AbstractIntegrator.getEventHandlers()
          Get all the event handlers that have been added to the integrator.
 Collection<EventHandler> ODEIntegrator.getEventHandlers()
          Get all the event handlers that have been added to the integrator.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.ode with parameters of type EventHandler
 void AbstractIntegrator.addEventHandler(EventHandler handler, double maxCheckInterval, double convergence, int maxIterationCount)
          Add an event handler to the integrator.
 void ODEIntegrator.addEventHandler(EventHandler handler, double maxCheckInterval, double convergence, int maxIterationCount)
          Add an event handler to the integrator.
 void AbstractIntegrator.addEventHandler(EventHandler handler, double maxCheckInterval, double convergence, int maxIterationCount, UnivariateSolver solver)
          Add an event handler to the integrator.
 void ODEIntegrator.addEventHandler(EventHandler handler, double maxCheckInterval, double convergence, int maxIterationCount, UnivariateSolver solver)
          Add an event handler to the integrator.

Uses of EventHandler in

Methods in that return EventHandler
 EventHandler EventState.getEventHandler()
          Get the underlying event handler.

Constructors in with parameters of type EventHandler
EventState(EventHandler handler, double maxCheckInterval, double convergence, int maxIterationCount, UnivariateSolver solver)
          Simple constructor.

Uses of EventHandler in org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff with parameters of type EventHandler
 void GraggBulirschStoerIntegrator.addEventHandler(EventHandler function, double maxCheckInterval, double convergence, int maxIterationCount, UnivariateSolver solver)
          Add an event handler to the integrator.

Uses of EventHandler in

Classes in that implement EventHandler
 class AdaptedEventDetector
          Adapt an EventDetector to commons-math EventHandler interface.

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