Package org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general

This package provides optimization algorithms that require derivatives.


Interface Summary
Preconditioner Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).

Class Summary
AbstractDifferentiableOptimizer Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
AbstractScalarDifferentiableOptimizer Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
GaussNewtonOptimizer Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
NonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).
NonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.IdentityPreconditioner Default identity preconditioner.

Enum Summary
ConjugateGradientFormula Deprecated. As of 3.1 (to be removed in 4.0).

Package org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.general Description

This package provides optimization algorithms that require derivatives.

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