Uses of Interface

Packages that use StatisticalSummary
org.apache.commons.math3.random Random number and random data generators. 
org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive Generic univariate summary statistic objects. 
org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference Classes providing hypothesis testing and confidence interval construction. 

Uses of StatisticalSummary in org.apache.commons.math3.random

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.random that return StatisticalSummary
 StatisticalSummary EmpiricalDistribution.getSampleStats()
          Returns a StatisticalSummary describing this distribution.

Uses of StatisticalSummary in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive

Classes in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive that implement StatisticalSummary
 class AggregateSummaryStatistics
           An aggregator for SummaryStatistics from several data sets or data set partitions.
 class DescriptiveStatistics
          Maintains a dataset of values of a single variable and computes descriptive statistics based on stored data.
 class StatisticalSummaryValues
          Value object representing the results of a univariate statistical summary.
 class SummaryStatistics
           Computes summary statistics for a stream of data values added using the addValue method.
 class SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics
          Implementation of DescriptiveStatistics that is safe to use in a multithreaded environment.
 class SynchronizedSummaryStatistics
          Implementation of SummaryStatistics that is safe to use in a multithreaded environment.

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive that return StatisticalSummary
 StatisticalSummary SummaryStatistics.getSummary()
          Return a StatisticalSummaryValues instance reporting current statistics.
 StatisticalSummary SynchronizedSummaryStatistics.getSummary()
          Return a StatisticalSummaryValues instance reporting current statistics.
 StatisticalSummary AggregateSummaryStatistics.getSummary()
          Return a StatisticalSummaryValues instance reporting current aggregate statistics.

Uses of StatisticalSummary in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference with parameters of type StatisticalSummary
 double TTest.homoscedasticT(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
          Computes a 2-sample t statistic, comparing the means of the datasets described by two StatisticalSummary instances, under the assumption of equal subpopulation variances.
static double TestUtils.homoscedasticT(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
 double TTest.homoscedasticTTest(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
          Returns the observed significance level, or p-value, associated with a two-sample, two-tailed t-test comparing the means of the datasets described by two StatisticalSummary instances, under the hypothesis of equal subpopulation variances.
static double TestUtils.homoscedasticTTest(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
 double TTest.t(double mu, StatisticalSummary sampleStats)
          Computes a t statistic to use in comparing the mean of the dataset described by sampleStats to mu.
static double TestUtils.t(double mu, StatisticalSummary sampleStats)
 double TTest.t(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
          Computes a 2-sample t statistic , comparing the means of the datasets described by two StatisticalSummary instances, without the assumption of equal subpopulation variances.
static double TestUtils.t(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
 double TTest.tTest(double mu, StatisticalSummary sampleStats)
          Returns the observed significance level, or p-value, associated with a one-sample, two-tailed t-test comparing the mean of the dataset described by sampleStats with the constant mu.
static double TestUtils.tTest(double mu, StatisticalSummary sampleStats)
 boolean TTest.tTest(double mu, StatisticalSummary sampleStats, double alpha)
          Performs a two-sided t-test evaluating the null hypothesis that the mean of the population from which the dataset described by stats is drawn equals mu.
static boolean TestUtils.tTest(double mu, StatisticalSummary sampleStats, double alpha)
 double TTest.tTest(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
          Returns the observed significance level, or p-value, associated with a two-sample, two-tailed t-test comparing the means of the datasets described by two StatisticalSummary instances.
static double TestUtils.tTest(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2)
 boolean TTest.tTest(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2, double alpha)
          Performs a two-sided t-test evaluating the null hypothesis that sampleStats1 and sampleStats2 describe datasets drawn from populations with the same mean, with significance level alpha.
static boolean TestUtils.tTest(StatisticalSummary sampleStats1, StatisticalSummary sampleStats2, double alpha)

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