Uses of Class

Packages that use RegressionResults
org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression Statistical routines involving multivariate data. 

Uses of RegressionResults in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression that return RegressionResults
 RegressionResults UpdatingMultipleLinearRegression.regress()
          Performs a regression on data present in buffers and outputs a RegressionResults object
 RegressionResults SimpleRegression.regress()
          Performs a regression on data present in buffers and outputs a RegressionResults object.
 RegressionResults MillerUpdatingRegression.regress()
          Conducts a regression on the data in the model, using all regressors.
 RegressionResults MillerUpdatingRegression.regress(int numberOfRegressors)
          Conducts a regression on the data in the model, using a subset of regressors.
 RegressionResults UpdatingMultipleLinearRegression.regress(int[] variablesToInclude)
          Performs a regression on data present in buffers including only regressors indexed in variablesToInclude and outputs a RegressionResults object
 RegressionResults SimpleRegression.regress(int[] variablesToInclude)
          Performs a regression on data present in buffers including only regressors indexed in variablesToInclude and outputs a RegressionResults object
 RegressionResults MillerUpdatingRegression.regress(int[] variablesToInclude)
          Conducts a regression on the data in the model, using regressors in array Calling this method will change the internal order of the regressors and care is required in interpreting the hatmatrix.

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