Uses of Class

Packages that use IterationEvent
org.apache.commons.math3.linear Linear algebra support. 
org.apache.commons.math3.util Convenience routines and common data structures used throughout the commons-math library. 

Uses of IterationEvent in org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Subclasses of IterationEvent in org.apache.commons.math3.linear
 class DefaultIterativeLinearSolverEvent
          A default concrete implementation of the abstract class IterativeLinearSolverEvent.
 class IterativeLinearSolverEvent
          This is the base class for all events occuring during the iterations of a IterativeLinearSolver.

Uses of IterationEvent in org.apache.commons.math3.util

Methods in org.apache.commons.math3.util with parameters of type IterationEvent
 void IterationManager.fireInitializationEvent(IterationEvent e)
          Informs all registered listeners that the initial phase (prior to the main iteration loop) has been completed.
 void IterationManager.fireIterationPerformedEvent(IterationEvent e)
          Informs all registered listeners that a new iteration (in the main iteration loop) has been performed.
 void IterationManager.fireIterationStartedEvent(IterationEvent e)
          Informs all registered listeners that a new iteration (in the main iteration loop) has been started.
 void IterationManager.fireTerminationEvent(IterationEvent e)
          Informs all registered listeners that the final phase (post-iterations) has been completed.
 void IterationListener.initializationPerformed(IterationEvent e)
          Invoked after completion of the initial phase of the iterative algorithm (prior to the main iteration loop).
 void IterationListener.iterationPerformed(IterationEvent e)
          Invoked each time an iteration is completed (in the main iteration loop).
 void IterationListener.iterationStarted(IterationEvent e)
          Invoked each time a new iteration is completed (in the main iteration loop).
 void IterationListener.terminationPerformed(IterationEvent e)
          Invoked after completion of the operations which occur after breaking out of the main iteration loop.

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