Class ConstantSpinSlew

  extended by org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractSlew
      extended by org.orekit.attitudes.ConstantSpinSlew
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AttitudeLeg, AttitudeProvider, Slew

public class ConstantSpinSlew
extends AbstractSlew

This class extends the AbstractSlew.

The Constant spin slew is a "simple" slew that computes the attitude of the satellite using a spherical interpolation of the quaternions representing the starting and ending attitudes.
Some constraints, such as minimal maneuver duration or maximal angular velocity, must be taken into account during the maneuver computation.
Like all the other attitude legs, its interval of validity has closed endpoints.

$Id: 17582 2017-05-10 12:58:16Z bignon $
Tiziana Sabatini, Julie Anton
See Also:
Serialized Form
Concurrency :
not thread safe
Concurrency comment :
this class is not thread safe because the slew can be re-computed while the method getAttitude(PVCoordinatesProvider, AbsoluteDate, Frame) is called.

Nested Class Summary
static class ConstantSpinSlew.Constraint
          Enumeration of the existing constraint types
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractSlew
computed, currentProvider, fLaw, iLaw, intervalOfValidity
Constructor Summary
ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw, AttitudeProvider finalLaw, AbsoluteDate initialDate, AbsoluteDate finalDate)
          Builds a ConstantSpinSlew based on a given interval of dates
ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw, AttitudeProvider finalLaw, AbsoluteDate date, boolean isStartDate, double constraintValue, ConstantSpinSlew.Constraint constraintType)
          Builds a ConstantSpinSlew from a type of constraint and its value
Method Summary
 void compute(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv)
          Compute the slew corresponding to an orbital state.
 Attitude getAttitude(AbsoluteDate date, Frame frame)
          Compute the attitude.
 void setSpinDerivativesComputation(boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
          Method to activate spin derivative computation.
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractSlew
getAttitude, getAttitude, getDuration, getTimeInterval
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
                        AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
                        AbsoluteDate initialDate,
                        AbsoluteDate finalDate)
Builds a ConstantSpinSlew based on a given interval of dates

initialLaw - initial attitude law
finalLaw - final attitude law
initialDate - initial date
finalDate - final date


public ConstantSpinSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLaw,
                        AttitudeProvider finalLaw,
                        AbsoluteDate date,
                        boolean isStartDate,
                        double constraintValue,
                        ConstantSpinSlew.Constraint constraintType)
Builds a ConstantSpinSlew from a type of constraint and its value

initialLaw - initial attitude law
finalLaw - final attitude law
date - begin or end date of the slew
isStartDate - if the date is begin date
constraintValue - value of the constraint : seconds for duration constraint and rad/s for angular velocity contraint
constraintType - type of constraint : duration or angular velocity
Method Detail


public void compute(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv)
             throws OrekitException
Description copied from interface: Slew
Compute the slew corresponding to an orbital state.

pvProv - : local position-velocity provider around current date
OrekitException - orekit exception


public Attitude getAttitude(AbsoluteDate date,
                            Frame frame)
                     throws OrekitException
Description copied from interface: Slew
Compute the attitude.

date - : current date
frame - : reference frame from which attitude is computed
attitude : attitude at the specified date
OrekitException - orekit exception


public void setSpinDerivativesComputation(boolean computeSpinDerivatives)
Method to activate spin derivative computation.

computeSpinDerivatives - true if spin derivatives should be computed

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