Class IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew

  extended by org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractSlew
      extended by org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew
          extended by org.orekit.attitudes.IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AttitudeLeg, AttitudeProvider, Slew

public class IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew
extends AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew

ISIS spin bias slew (in GCRF): slew with trapezoidal angular velocity profile.

Slew is computed by numerical integration.

$Id: 17582 2017-05-10 12:58:16Z bignon $
Emmanuel Bignon
See Also:
Serialized Form
Concurrency :
not thread safe

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew
accelDuration, accelMax, decelDuration, decelMax, dtSCAO, durationWoTranq, ephem, initialOrFinalDate, refFrame, slewAngle, slewAxis, spinDerivativesComputation, typeOfDate
Fields inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractSlew
computed, currentProvider, fLaw, iLaw, intervalOfValidity
Constructor Summary
IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn, AttitudeProvider finalLawIn, AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn, AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate, double dtSCAOIn, double thetaMaxAllowedIn, double durationMaxIn, double dtConvergenceThresholdIn, double[][] inertiaMatrixIn, double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn, double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn, double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn, double[][] rwMatrixIn, double tranquillisationTimeIn)
          Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's convergence.
IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn, AttitudeProvider finalLawIn, AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn, AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate, double dtSCAOIn, double thetaMaxAllowedIn, double durationMaxIn, double dtConvergenceThresholdIn, double[][] inertiaMatrixIn, double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn, double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn, double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn, double[][] rwMatrixIn, double tranquillisationTimeIn, int maxIterationsNumberIn)
Method Summary
 void compute(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv)
          Compute the slew corresponding to an orbital state.
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew
computeDuration, getAttitude, getEphemeris, setSpinDerivativesComputation
Methods inherited from class org.orekit.attitudes.AbstractSlew
getAttitude, getAttitude, getDuration, getTimeInterval
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
                                 AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
                                 AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
                                 AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
                                 double dtSCAOIn,
                                 double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
                                 double durationMaxIn,
                                 double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
                                 double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
                                 double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
                                 double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
                                 double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
                                 double[][] rwMatrixIn,
                                 double tranquillisationTimeIn)
Constructor with default maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's convergence.

initialLawIn - attitudeProvider representing the attitude law before the slew
finalLawIn - attitudeProvider representing the attitude law after the slew
initialOrFinalDateIn - initial or final date of the slew (choice given by TypeOfDate argument)
typeOfDate - defines type of provided date AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate (initial date or final date)
dtSCAOIn - time step (s)
thetaMaxAllowedIn - maximum slew angular amplitude allowed (rad)
durationMaxIn - maximum duration expected for the slew, including the tranquilisation phase (s)
dtConvergenceThresholdIn - convergence threshold for the iterative computation of the slew duration (s)
inertiaMatrixIn - satellite inertia matrix in satellite reference frame (kg.m^2)
rwTorqueAllocAccelIn - torque allocation for each RW during the acceleration phase (N.m)
rwTorqueAllocDecelIn - torque allocation for each RW during the deceleration phase (assumed > 0) (N.m)
rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn - angular momentum allocation for each RW during the manoeuvre (N.m.s)
rwMatrixIn - cosine directors matrix of the reaction wheels in the satellite reference frame. Matrix 3xN_RW with N_RW wheels (Reaction wheels spin axes written in column in the satellite reference frame).
tranquillisationTimeIn - tranquilisation time after the end of the slew (s)


public IsisNumericalSpinBiasSlew(AttitudeProvider initialLawIn,
                                 AttitudeProvider finalLawIn,
                                 AbsoluteDate initialOrFinalDateIn,
                                 AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate typeOfDate,
                                 double dtSCAOIn,
                                 double thetaMaxAllowedIn,
                                 double durationMaxIn,
                                 double dtConvergenceThresholdIn,
                                 double[][] inertiaMatrixIn,
                                 double rwTorqueAllocAccelIn,
                                 double rwTorqueAllocDecelIn,
                                 double rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn,
                                 double[][] rwMatrixIn,
                                 double tranquillisationTimeIn,
                                 int maxIterationsNumberIn)

initialLawIn - attitudeProvider representing the attitude law before the slew
finalLawIn - attitudeProvider representing the attitude law after the slew
initialOrFinalDateIn - initial or final date of the slew (choice given by TypeOfDate argument)
typeOfDate - defines type of provided date AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.TypeOfDate (initial date or final date)
dtSCAOIn - time step (s)
thetaMaxAllowedIn - maximum slew angular amplitude allowed (rad)
durationMaxIn - maximum duration expected for the slew, including the tranquilisation phase (s)
dtConvergenceThresholdIn - convergence threshold for the iterative computation of the slew duration (s)
inertiaMatrixIn - satellite inertia matrix in satellite reference frame (kg.m^2)
rwTorqueAllocAccelIn - torque allocation for each RW during the acceleration phase (N.m)
rwTorqueAllocDecelIn - torque allocation for each RW during the deceleration phase (assumed > 0) (N.m)
rwDeltaMomentumAllocIn - angular momentum allocation for each RW during the manoeuvre (N.m.s)
rwMatrixIn - cosine directors matrix of the reaction wheels in the satellite reference frame. Matrix 3xN_RW with N_RW wheels (Reaction wheels spin axes written in column in the satellite reference frame).
tranquillisationTimeIn - tranquilisation time after the end of the slew (s)
maxIterationsNumberIn - maximum number of iterations allowed for slew duration computation's convergence
Method Detail


public void compute(PVCoordinatesProvider pvProv)
             throws OrekitException
Compute the slew corresponding to an orbital state.

pvProv - : local position-velocity provider around current date
OrekitException - orekit exception

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