Uses of Class

Packages that use AttitudeLegsSequence
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 

Uses of AttitudeLegsSequence in org.orekit.attitudes

Fields in org.orekit.attitudes declared as AttitudeLegsSequence
protected  AttitudeLegsSequence AbstractAttitudeEphemerisGenerator.sequence
          Attitude legs sequence.

Constructors in org.orekit.attitudes with parameters of type AttitudeLegsSequence
AbstractAttitudeEphemerisGenerator(AttitudeLegsSequence legsSequence, int transitionPoints)
          Simple constructor.
FixedStepAttitudeEphemerisGenerator(AttitudeLegsSequence legsSequence, double fixedStep)
          Builds an attitude ephemeris generator using a fixed time step and ignoring the attitude law transition points of the sequence.
FixedStepAttitudeEphemerisGenerator(AttitudeLegsSequence legsSequence, double fixedStep, int transitions)
          Builds an attitude ephemeris generator using a fixed time step and choosing the treatment to apply to the transition points of the sequence.
VariableStepAttitudeEphemerisGenerator(AttitudeLegsSequence legsSequence, double stepMin, double stepMax, double angDistMax)
          Builds an attitude ephemeris generator using a variable time step and ignoring the attitude law transition points of the sequence.
VariableStepAttitudeEphemerisGenerator(AttitudeLegsSequence legsSequence, double stepMin, double stepMax, double angDistMax, int transitions)
          Builds an attitude ephemeris generator using a variable time step and choosing the treatment to apply to the transition points of the sequence.

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