Uses of Class

Packages that use TabulatedAttitude
org.orekit.attitudes This package provides classes to represent simple attitudes. 

Uses of TabulatedAttitude in org.orekit.attitudes

Fields in org.orekit.attitudes declared as TabulatedAttitude
protected  TabulatedAttitude AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.ephem
          Attitude ephemerides of the slew, including the tranquillisation phase.

Methods in org.orekit.attitudes that return TabulatedAttitude
 TabulatedAttitude AbstractIsisSpinBiasSlew.getEphemeris()
          Get the attitude ephemeris representing the slew.
 TabulatedAttitude TwoSpinBiasSlew.getEphemeris()
          Get the attitude ephemeris representing the slew
 TabulatedAttitude TabulatedAttitude.setTimeInterval(AbsoluteDateInterval interval)
          Return a new law with the specified interval.

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