Package org.orekit.attitudes.directions

Interface Summary
IDirection This is the main interface for directions.
ITargetDirection This interface extends Directions for the directions described by a target point.

Class Summary
CelestialBodyPolesAxisDirection This direction is the axis defined by the two poles of a celestial body.
ConstantVectorDirection Direction described only by a vector constant in a frame
CrossProductDirection This direction is the cross product of two directions
EarthCenterDirection Direction to Earth body center : the central body's center is the target point.
EarthToCelestialBodyCenterDirection Direction from Earth center to celestial body center : the central body's center is the target point.
GenericTargetDirection Direction described by a target PVCoordinatesProvider.
GlintApproximatePointingDirection "Glint" direction pointing.
GroundVelocityDirection Ground velocity direction.
MomentumDirection Direction described by a celestial body (the reference body of the orbit).
NadirDirection Nadir direction.
ToCelestialBodyCenterDirection Direction described by a celestial body : the celestial body's center is the target point.
VelocityDirection Direction defined for any PVCoordinatesProvider origin by its velocity vector, expressed in a reference frame (parameter of the constructor).

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