Class SeriesTerm

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class SeriesTerm
extends Object
implements Serializable

Base class for nutation series terms.

Luc Maisonobe
See Also:
PoissonSeries, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected SeriesTerm(double sinCoeff, double cosCoeff)
          Simple constructor for the base class.
Method Summary
protected abstract  double argument(BodiesElements elements)
          Compute the argument for the current date.
static SeriesTerm buildTerm(double sinCoeff, double cosCoeff, int cL, int cLPrime, int cF, int cD, int cOmega, int cMe, int cVe, int cE, int cMa, int cJu, int cSa, int cUr, int cNe, int cPa)
          Factory method for building the appropriate object.
 double value(BodiesElements elements)
          Compute the value of the term for the current date.
 double[] value(BodiesElements elements, BodiesElements elementsP)
          Compute the value of the term for the current date and its first time derivative.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected SeriesTerm(double sinCoeff,
                     double cosCoeff)
Simple constructor for the base class.

sinCoeff - coefficient for the sine of the argument
cosCoeff - coefficient for the cosine of the argument
Method Detail


public double value(BodiesElements elements)
Compute the value of the term for the current date.

elements - luni-solar and planetary elements for the current date
current value of the term


public double[] value(BodiesElements elements,
                      BodiesElements elementsP)
Compute the value of the term for the current date and its first time derivative.

elements - luni-solar and planetary elements for the current date
elementsP - luni-solar and planetary time derivative elements for the current date
current value of the term


protected abstract double argument(BodiesElements elements)
Compute the argument for the current date.

elements - luni-solar and planetary elements for the current date
current value of the argument


public static SeriesTerm buildTerm(double sinCoeff,
                                   double cosCoeff,
                                   int cL,
                                   int cLPrime,
                                   int cF,
                                   int cD,
                                   int cOmega,
                                   int cMe,
                                   int cVe,
                                   int cE,
                                   int cMa,
                                   int cJu,
                                   int cSa,
                                   int cUr,
                                   int cNe,
                                   int cPa)
Factory method for building the appropriate object.

The method checks the null coefficients and build an instance of an appropriate type to avoid too many unnecessary multiplications by zero coefficients.

sinCoeff - coefficient for the sine of the argument
cosCoeff - coefficient for the cosine of the argument
cL - coefficient for mean anomaly of the Moon
cLPrime - coefficient for mean anomaly of the Sun
cF - coefficient for L - Ω where L is the mean longitude of the Moon
cD - coefficient for mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun
cOmega - coefficient for mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon
cMe - coefficient for mean Mercury longitude
cVe - coefficient for mean Venus longitude
cE - coefficient for mean Earth longitude
cMa - coefficient for mean Mars longitude
cJu - coefficient for mean Jupiter longitude
cSa - coefficient for mean Saturn longitude
cUr - coefficient for mean Uranus longitude
cNe - coefficient for mean Neptune longitude
cPa - coefficient for general accumulated precession in longitude
a nutation serie term instance well suited for the set of coefficients

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