Uses of Interface

Packages that use OrbitFile
org.orekit.files.general This package provides interfaces for orbit file representations and corresponding parsers. 
org.orekit.files.sp3 This package provides a parser for orbit data stored in SP3 format. 

Uses of OrbitFile in org.orekit.files.general

Methods in org.orekit.files.general that return OrbitFile
 OrbitFile OrbitFileParser.parse(InputStream stream)
          Reads an orbit file from the given stream and returns a parsed OrbitFile.
 OrbitFile OrbitFileParser.parse(String fileName)
          Reads the orbit file and returns a parsed OrbitFile.

Uses of OrbitFile in org.orekit.files.sp3

Classes in org.orekit.files.sp3 that implement OrbitFile
 class SP3File
          Represents a parsed SP3 orbit file.

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